Coastal Zone Management

Virginia CZM Program Overview

Virginia CZM Program Accomplishments Page

The Virginia Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Program, established in 1986 through Executive Order, is a network of Virginia state agencies and local governments, that administers enforceable laws, regulations and policies that protect our coastal resources and fosters sustainable development.

The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) serves as the lead agency of the network, and houses the Virginia CZM Program office in Richmond. This office works with the networked agencies to develop and implement coordinated coastal policies. To facilitate this work, the office established a Coastal Policy Team (CPT), which consists of representatives from each of the agencies, and provides a forum for discussion and resolution of cross-cutting coastal resource management issues.  For a description of the progress the Virginia CZM Program is making in accomplishing its goals, go to the program's Goals and Accomplishments webpage

The Virginia CZM Program office at DEQ also administers the program's annual grant award from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Ocean Service, Office for Coastal Management. Since 1986, Virginia has received over $61 million in federal Coastal Zone Management Act funding, matched by over $51 million in state and local funds, to implement its Coastal Zone Management Program. As a 'maximum-funded state' Virginia receives about $2.5 million annually. 

Together, Virginia's localities (represented by Virginia's 8 Coastal Planning District Commissions), state agencies and NOAA form an effective intergovernmental partnership.

Download Virginia CZM Program Overview (pdf)

Federal Consistency

Having a federally approved coastal zone management program also authorizes Virginia to require that federal actions are consistent with the state's CZM Program's laws and enforceable policies.

For more information about federal consistency, go to Environmental Impact Review.  

  Virginia CZM Program logo

For comments or questions concerning this program's web pages, contact Virginia Witmer.



This website is provided by the Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program through a federal Coastal Zone Management Act grant from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, US Department of Commerce.

Virginia Coastal Zone Management logo

Protecting, restoring, and strengthening our coastal ecosystems and economy.

Spring-Summer 2018 Issue of Virginia Coastal Zone Management Magazine Available

Read this issue...

Save the Date!
Virginia Coastal Partners Workshop


November 14 & 15, 2018
Virginia DEQ, Richmond

Planning a Vacation on the Eastern Shore?

Newly certified ecotour guides are ready to make your adventure complete!  

Go to the Virginia Ecotour Guide Certification page for more information.


Socio-Economic Impacts of Conserved Land on Virginia's Eastern Shore

This study, conducted by the Center for Regional Analysis at George Mason University, analyzes the fiscal and economic impacts of conserved land on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. The findings of the fiscal impact model indicate that lands with conservation easements do not place a fiscal burden on either Accomack or Northampton county. In fact, they provide an economic benefit. Read more and view the study or download a new fact sheet...


Joyful Sendoff Campaign logo

Balloon litter is
a deadly and common source of marine debris.  Virginia CZM has launched a new campaign to encourage alternatives to balloon release during weddings and other celebratory events.  Learn more...  

Federal Consistency

For more information, go to Environmental Impact Review.
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Virginia Department of
Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 1105
Richmond, VA 23218
(804) 698-4000

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