WeCrabNJ Serving the public since 2012

Our Mission

  • Identify and map concentrations of marine debris
  • Train watermen to identify and remove marine debris- Recovery resources
  • Educate the public to avoid generating marine debris- education downloads
  • Collect data on the prevalence of marine debris and tis effects on the environment


New NOAA Funding

Community based

17 September 2015


Our goal is to protect and conserve our marine resources to promote sustainable harvest and use


WeCrabNJ Supports

  • ecosystem health through the removal and prevention of derelict fishing gear that reduces the available blue crab catch and negatively impacts other bay species
  • the interests and livelihoods of the commercial fishing community through cooperative recovery programs that include prevention training to reduce gear loss and increase economic benefits
  • the interests of the recreational community through training that addresses properly setting commercial-style crab pots and how boaters can avoid contributing to derelict gear 

“To develop and promote sustainable solutions that help reduce and remove derelict fishing gear in protection of our fisheries and coastal ecosystems for the benefit of ALL stakeholders”    

Marine debris can be found in many forms and includes man made objects that interferes with .natural marine habitats and the organisms that live in them.

Marine Debris