NOAA's Marine Debris Blog

Keepin' the Sea Free of Debris!

Sign Up to Clean Up at the 2016 International Coastal Cleanup!

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It’s that time of year again—time to join together and fight marine debris at the International Coastal Cleanup (ICC)! This annual event, put on by the Ocean Conservancy and supported by the NOAA Marine Debris Program (MDP), brings people together from across the globe to clean up marine debris in their local communities. Last year’s cleanup resulted in more than 18 million pounds of trash collected by almost 800,000 volunteers!

MDP staff will be participating at locations throughout the country—which location will you be at? Find a location and sign up to clean up today! The 2016 International Coastal Cleanup is Saturday, September 17th—we’ll see you there!

Stay tuned to Facebook and Twitter, where we will be providing updates and more information about the ICC in the coming weeks!

Volunteers clean up trash along a riverbank in the Mid-Atlantic.

Volunteers remove debris along the banks of the Anacostia River in Washington, D.C. during the 2015 ICC. (Photo Credit: NOAA)

Author: NOAA Marine Debris Program

The NOAA Marine Debris Program envisions the global ocean and its coasts, users, and inhabitants free from the impacts of marine debris. Our mission is to investigate and solve the problems that stem from marine debris, in order to protect and conserve our nation's marine environment, natural resources, industries, economy, and people.

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