
Teri Frady
Chief, Research Communications
508 495-2239
774 327-9404 cell

Shelley Dawicki
Science Writer/Communications Specialist
508 495-2378
774-392-4866 cell

Maggie Mooney-Seus
Communications Specialist
(Fishery Policy and Regulations)
978 281-9175
774-392-4865 cell

NEFSC in the News

2012 Stories
October 17, 2012
Islanders phone home for a NOAA drifter
Martha's Vineyard Times
September 25, 2012
Coral Hotspots Discovered off Northeast US
Our Amazing Planet
September 18, 2012
Northeast Ocean Temperatures Reach Record High
Wall Street Journal
September 18, 2012
Hottest Ever Water Temperatures Off East Coast All Way Down to the Bottom of the Ocean
Mother Jones
September 9, 2012
Using Mussel Power to Clean Rivers (video)
September 1, 2012
New 'Seahorse' Sees Scallops in New Way
Associated Press
August 23, 2012
New Survey of Ocean Floor Finds Juvenile Scallops Are Abundant in Mid-Atlantic
Science Daily
August 15, 2012
Introducing the Ocean Health Index
NY Times (Environment)
August 15, 2012
Underwater noise decreases whale communications in Stellwagen Bank sanctuary
June 27, 2012
Dr. Bill Karp Named NOAA Fisheries Northeast Science Director
Saving Seafood
June 6, 2012
Lt. Anna-Liza Villard-Howe takes Command of NOAA research Vessel
Martha's Vineyard Times
May 13, 2012
Deerfield science teacher to follow right whales offshore
Union Leader
March 19, 2012
UMass, NOAA collaborating on Portuguese fishing history
The Herald News

2011 Stories

November 22, 2011
Gulf of Maine Atlantic salmon face mortality risks, says NOAA researcher
September 17, 2011
Woods Hole Aquarium unveiling new exhibits
Cape Cod Times
September 9, 2011
NOAA names new fisheries science advisor
August 17, 2011
Bluefin land on the Red List: SeaMonster interviews the expert team
August 13, 2011
Scientists Link Shifting Atlantic Mackerel Distribution to Environmental Factors, Changing Climate
science (nature & earth)
August 9, 2011
Atlantic herring population trends linked to egg predation by haddock
July 19, 2011
Bruce Collette on the sad state of tuna stocks
July 15, 2011
High Value and Long Life - Double Jeopardy for Tunas and Billfishes
July 13, 2011
2011 Sustainability Science Award Honors NEFSC Scientist Mike Fogarty
Ecological Society of America (
July 1, 2011
Largest Survey of Marine Protected Species
Ocean News &
May 23, 2011
Menauhant Beach (Falmouth, Mass.) Named One of America’s Best Restored Beaches of 2011
American Shore and Beach Preservation Association (
May 2, 2011
Scientists Survey N.E. coast in harbor sea census  (Associated Press)
May 1, 2011
New England Harbor Seal Survey Counts Population
ABC News
April 29, 2011
Dozens of Endangered Right Whales seen off RI (New London,CT/Associated Press)
March 21, 2011
Seals from Canada found as far south as N. Carolina
USA Today
March 20, 2011
Unusual number of harp seals land on U.S. shores (Associated Press)


2010 Stories

sea squirt December 3, 2010
Invasive Sea Species May Bring Pros With its Cons
monkfish November 18, 2010
Data Tags Shine Light on the Mysterious Monkfish
October 22, 2010
Noise Reduces Ocean Habitat for Whales
Scientific American (with video)
ROV October 4, 2010
The Death of the Oceans?
BBC - Horizon documentary
bigelow September 25, 2010
Big Woods Hole Ship Big Upgrade for Scientists
Cape Cod Times
August 19, 2010
Rhode Island NOAA Scientist to Receive Top Environmental Award
The Boston Globe
gloucester fishing boats August 16, 2010
Rough Waters: The Ongoing Fight Over Regulating New England Fisheries
A multi-part series produced by WGBH Radio
biological hotspot July 13, 2010
Paradise for Fishermen Becomes One for Scientists
New York Times
graph April 27, 2010
In Fearsome Floods, a Dividend
New York Times (Green)
croaker April 20, 2010
Scientists Link Climate Change and Atlantic Croaker Fishery
Ahab's Journal
monkfish January 27, 2010
NOAA and Fishermen Cooperate on Research into Monkfish Migration
First Science
listening device December 31, 2009
Researchers Use New Acoustic Tools to Study Marine Mammals and Fish
box jellyfish November 18, 2009
Scientists Unravel Evolution of Highly Toxic Box Jellyfish
Discovery News (
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(File Modified Oct. 18 2012)