Tugidak Island Removal Project
A large pile of debris and a woman transporting debris on an ATV.
Some of the marine debris that was collected at Tugidak Island. (Photo Credit: Island Trails Network)

Project Dates: June 2012 - March 2014

From 2013-2014, Island Trails Network will work with an estimated 200 community volunteers to remove, recycle, and re-purpose marine debris from Tugidak Island, a critical habitat area in the Kodiak Archipelago. Project leaders will then use debris from the removal in local and regional outreach efforts, working with local school districts to create marine debris art and reach out through radio and print media in Kodiak.

Working out of a camp in shifts, 13 volunteers removed an estimated 25,000 pounds of debris from 4.5 miles of shoreline.They anticipate removing over 40 tons of marine debris from 11 miles of shoreline over the course of the two year project.

For more information about this project and older NOAA Marine Debris Program funded projects, visit the Marine Debris Clearinghouse.