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formerly the National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC)...  more on NCEI

NOAA Satellite and Information Service

OA Portal:

Ocean Carbon and Acidification Data Portal

This data access portal allows you to search for individual collection-level data sets.

Variables / Parameters

Match of the following:

Observation Category

Choose one:

Observation Dates

Start date:
End date: 

Geographic Coverage

Hold the "shift" key and drag to select an area.
West: East:

Additional Terms

Please use "" to search for an exact phrase (e.g., "Ocean Acidification Program") and use ** to match a subset of a keyword (e.g., *SOFS* will bring results containing MOORING_SOFS_142W_46S).

To search for quality controlled profile data in a uniform format, please use the World Ocean Database Select and Search (WODselect) system. Please use this form to share your comments on the OA Data Portal.
Searching for:
Variables / Parameters:
Observation Category:
Observation Dates:
Geographic Coverage:
Additional Terms:

See results through REST