The Great Lakes are massive and awe inspiring. But, they are at risk if we do not take care of them.

Our staff are at the forefront of the Great Lakes protection movement. We lead the way, making sure the health of the lakes is a priority when policy-makers are writing new laws and enforcing current ones. We anticipate future threats to the Great Lakes and develop solutions to make sure the health of the lakes is not put in danger.

We need your help. We can’t protect the Great Lakes alone. Your voice—by sending a letter to your Member of Congress or attending a local meeting—makes a difference.

Restoring Green Bay

Wisconsin's Green Bay suffers a large dead zone each year, threatening fish and wildlife. We're developing new partnerships and solutions to restore the bay.

See our solutions

Microbead Menace

Tiny plastic microbeads have been found in alarming numbers in the Great Lakes. We're leading the way to keep plastic out of the lakes.

Learn More