In April 2014, the kickoff meeting for the Taholah Village Relocation Master Plan was held at the Community Center. On June 25th, the second Community meeting was held focusing on parks, recreation and open space in the upper village. An August meeting covered Community Facilities and several other meetings followed. A copy of the survey handed out for community feedback is linked below. If you would like to complete the survey, either complete the survey online at the link below or print it, fill it out and return it to the Planning Office in the 5th Street Mini-Mall, between the QNEB office and the museum. A PDF of the powerpoint presentation given at the meeting is also linked below. Planning staff will be reaching out to the community via future community meetings, Stakeholder Committees, surveys, conversations with elders and other community members, and a student committee. This website will be updated often to keep the community informed. Additionally, any member of the public is welcome to visit the Planning Office between 7:45AM and 5PM to share their comments with the project planners. We are enthusiastic to hear the thoughts of community members, since this is your community and the design of the new village will affect your children and grandchildren.

May 27th Community Meeting

The community came out in force for the May 27th Meeting. Approximately 200 people attended the meeting and enjoy some prime rib! Staff presented information and answered questions about the Upper Village and potential layouts, reviewed the proposed green building practices and answered questions about the Relocation. The preliminary plans for the new Multi-use Building (Seniors, Head Start, Early Head Start and Day Care) were shared with the public. The Powerpoint presentation is posted below.


PDF of the May 27th, 2015 Powerpoint Presentation


December 10 Community Meeting

During the December 10th meeting, staff presented the findings from the Lower Village Door-to-Door Survey and three rough preliminary conceptual land plans meant to illustrate to the community how the plan will progress and spark new ideas. The Powerpoint presentation from the meeting is posted below.

PDF of the December 10th Powerpoint Presentation


August 20 Community Meeting

Community Survey #3

Click the following link to access the Survey that was handed out at June 25th meeting and fill it out online! We want as much community feedback as we can get! Just fill out the 10 questions and hit "Done". Alternatively you can print out a copy of the Survey shown above and return it to the Planning office at the MiniMall on 5th Street.

Community Survey #3 Online

Community Survey #3 pdf (print or fill out online above instead)


June 25 Community Meeting

Community Survey #2

Click the following link to access the Survey that was handed out at June 25th meeting and fill it out online! We want as much community feedback as we can get! Just fill out the 10 questions and hit "Done". Alternatively you can print out a copy of the Survey shown above and return it to the Planning office at the MiniMall on 5th Street.

Community Survey #2 Online

Community Survey #2 pdf (print or fill out online above instead)

PDF of the June 25th Powerpoint Presentation


April Community Meeting

Community Survey #1

For those that missed the April Community Meeting, the Powerpoint presentation and community survey can still be viewed and filled out.

Community Survey #1 Online

Community Survey #1 pdf (print or fill out online above instead)

PDF of the April 23rd Powerpoint Presentation


For more information or to give feedback and suggestions to the Project Team, please contact Kelsey Moldenke, Charles Warsinske, or Sue Kalama by email or at (360) 276-8211, extensions 397, 1038 and 228, respectively. Artwork by Doug James.