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Assessing Changes in U.S. Crude Oil Exports for West Coast

Posted Tue, 05/29/2018 - 13:58
By Valerie Cleland and Ian Hanna, graduate students at the University of Washington School of Marine and Environmental Affairs

You could call it a black gold rush. Technological advances like hydraulic fracking have made harvesting oil profitable in the U.S. again and changed the global petroleum market. For decades, the U.S. was dependent on oil imports and banned crude oil exports to protect domestic reserves. This changed in 2015, when the U.S. lifted the 40-year export embargo on crude oil and gave the oil industry access to the global crude oil market.

Oil, Water, and the Dangers of Spring Showers

Posted Thu, 04/12/2018 - 14:19

With springtime comes a string of rainy days and an increased risk of driving accidents, but did you know that the first rain after a dry spell is actually the most dangerous?

If not, that’s okay, neither did Daniel Eisenberg, post-doctoral researcher at the University of California, Berkeley’s School of Public Health.

Keeping the Oil Pollution Act Updated

Posted Thu, 08/17/2017 - 15:14
By Doug Helton

On Aug. 18, 1990, President H.W. Bush signed the Oil Pollution Act.  The act gave NOAA and other agencies improved authorities for spill prevention, response, and restoration in the nation’s navigable waters and shorelines.

The act ensured those responsible for an oil spill must cleanup and restore the environment, and compensate the public for its lost uses—like beach and recreational fishery closures—from the time of the incident until those natural resources fully recover.

Oils Spills and Animal Rescue in Alaska and Beyond

Posted Thu, 08/10/2017 - 16:01
By Carrie Goertz, Alaska SeaLife Center

This week, NOAA’s Office of Response and Restoration is looking at the impacts of pollutants on wildlife and endangered species. We’ll explore tools we’ve developed to map sensitive species and habitats, how marine debris endangers marine life, how restoring toxic waste sites improves the health of wildlife, and the creation of a mobile wildlife hospital.

Why Are Seabirds so Vulnerable to Oil Spills?

Posted Tue, 01/13/2015 - 14:36

Out of the squawking thousands of black and white birds crowding the cliff, a single male sidled up to the rocky edge. After arranging a few out-of-place feathers with his sleek beak, the bird plunged like a bullet into the ocean below. These penguin look-alikes (no relation) are Common Murres. Found along the U.S. coast from Alaska to California, this abundant species of seabird dives underwater, using its wings to pursue a seafood dinner, namely small fish.

Waking up to our Relationship with Oil

Posted Thu, 07/12/2012 - 14:31
By Vicki Loe, Office of Response and Restoration

JULY 17, 2012 — When I think about oil consumption, I immediately think of gasoline and how much I drive. And I often feel pretty good about it because I drive a relatively fuel-efficient car. But oil is part of plenty of other products in our lives too. Seattle, the city in which I live, recently has banned plastic bags, which are made from oil, and also prohibits restaurants and grocery stores from using Styrofoam (oil-based) containers for take-out food.

Mussel Memory: How a Long-Term Marine Pollution Program Got New Life

Posted Mon, 06/11/2012 - 14:04

JUNE 11, 2012 — Scraping small black mussels off of slippery rocks in the Pacific Northwest's chilly, wet January weather probably doesn't sound like much fun. However, thanks to the dedicated folks who endure those conditions (and to several other important partners), these mussels and others tested in NOAA's National Mussel Watch Program will keep telling us about water pollution levels and seafood safety for years to come