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Sea Grant supports students on their path to marine and coastal careers.

This page is specifically catered to help undergraduate and graduate students find career development opportunities provided by Sea Grant, including information on scholarships, internships, and fellowships.

Student Opportunities


Sea Grant works to provide hands-on unforgettable experiences in research to aid in the development of budding STEM careers.


Sea Grant has many opportunities that provide financial assistance and funding to students pursuing a career in STEM.

Undergraduate Fellowships

Sea Grant has several prestigious opportunities to partner with various STEM organizations to promote professional development in new careers.

Graduate Fellowships

Sea Grant has many reputable fellowships specifically for graduate students that focus on professional development in budding careers for a variety of marine topics.



“It’s given me an insider’s view of state decision-making and an even greater appreciation for what makes Alaska unique and vibrant. I’m eager to collaborate with Alaska Sea Grant in the future and to continue to support their critical work in coastal communities."

-Danielle Meeker, 2017 Alaska Sea Grant Fellow


"Being a Knauss Fellow increased my understanding of the complex interaction between policy and science and how the environment and people are then impacted by decisions. The Fellowship gave me hands on experience in balancing those interests and analyzing trade-offs, something I continue to do daily in my work. It also opens many doors and opportunities by increasing your network, allowing you to build relationships and connections with people."

-Alexis Rife, 2012 Knauss Fellow

Sea Grant Student Support by the Numbers










Metrics reported in July 2017 for work conducted Febraury 1, 2016 to January 31, 2017.


AmeriCorps Watershed Stewards Program (in partnership with California Sea Grant) intern Monica Tonty holds up a large Chinook carcass found during a spawner survey on Woods Creek.


Kong Vang (right), a 2018 Oregon Sea Grant Summer Scholar, volunteers with an Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) research crew to collect sturgeon data in the Columbia River. The data will be used to help ODFW understand population dynamics of adult sturgeon in the Columbia River. (Photo credit: Colin Chapman)

Useful Links & Resources

The printable resources below can be used to let others know about Sea Grant's student opportunities. Ask your mentor, academic advisor, or education coordinator in your school's marine science department to find out how you can get engaged in your local Sea Grant program's careers and opportunities.

Sea Grant Undergraduate Opportunities (8.5 x 11 inch printable PDF) 

Sea Grant Undergraduate Opportunities Poster (22 x 33 inch Printable PDF)
Colleges may request that a printed copy of this poster be mailed to them by writing to

Sea Grant Graduate Education (8.5 x 11 inch printable PDF)

Sea Grant Knauss Fellowship overview with instructions on how to apply (8.5 x 11 inch printable PDF)

NMFS-Sea Grant Graduate Fellowship overview (population and ecosystem dynamics, marine resource economics) with instructions on how to apply (8.5 x 11 inch printable PDF)


Find additional opportunities for launching a marine and coastal career.

Florida Sea Grant posts a weekly job/internship roundup of marine and coastal jobs around the nation every Wednesday. Follow their Facebook page to see these opportunities right in your feed. will introduce you to a wide range of marine career fields and to people working in those fields. 

NOAA Opportunities: Find information about educational opportunities that are available throughout NOAA.

 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution: WHOI is helping shape this future by offering a wide range of programs and opportunities for students and young scientists at all stages of their development.

 NOAA Living Marine Resources Cooperative Science Center (LMRCSC):  LMRCSC trains and graduates students from underrepresented communities in marine science for careers in research, management, and public policy that support the sustainable harvest and conservation of our nation's living marine resources. 

Undergraduate Student Pathways: Programs and professional development resources for current and prospective undergraduate students: research experiences for undergraduates (REU), scholarships, and travel and research opportunities.

Graduate Student Pathways: Programs and resources for prospective and current STEM graduate students -- including funding opportunities and professional development programs and resources. This web site will provide current information on career opportunities, the knowledge and skills required to enter these careers, where students can gain the necessary education, employers who hire people to work in these careers, and much more.

NOAA Sea Grant and Fisheries announce 2018 Joint Fellowship Recipients

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NOAA Sea Grant and Fisheries announce 2018 Joint Fellowship Recipients

The National Marine Fisheries Service-Sea Grant Joint Fellowship program supports students pursuing doctoral degrees in population and ecosystem dynamics as well as marine resource economics. The program is a focused workforce development effort to train highly qualified professionals in areas of critical need for NOAA’s science-based approach to fisheries management.

Sea Grant and partners work together to restore culturally important wild rice

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Sea Grant and partners work together to restore culturally important wild rice

Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin Sea Grant programs along with NOAA's Office for Coastal Management and many tribal and local partners are working together to increase community awareness about the cultural and ecological importance of native wild rice. 

Sea Grant shares lessons learned from coastal storms to help communities

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Sea Grant shares lessons learned from coastal storms to help communities

Sea Grant works with coastal communities across the U.S., Puerto Rico and Guam to improve community resilience to coastal storms. Sea Grant engages in vulnerability assessments, resilience planning and social science initiatives to learn from previous storms and better prepare for future storms.

Lake Champlain Sea Grant Achieves Sea Grant Institute Status

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Lake Champlain Sea Grant Achieves Sea Grant Institute Status

Lake Champlain Sea Grant earned the honor as an Institutional Program for demonstrating excellence in research, education and public service dedicated to the environmentally responsible management and development in the Nation’s marine, coastal and Great Lakes resources. As a Sea Grant Institute, Lake Champlain Sea Grant is eligible for additional federal funding and is expected to increase the research portfolio of the program.

Science Serving America's Coasts

National Sea Grant College Program
1315 East-West Highway | Silver Spring, MD 20910 | 301.734.1066
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