Cleaning up Tybee one bucket at a time
Cleaning up Tybee one bucket at a time

We try to hold 'standing' beach cleanings on Sunday afternoons, weather permitting, in addition to hosting group sweeps. Since we rotate our locations to ensure we clean all of Tybee's 3 mile stretch of beach, please check here to find out where and when we'll next be cleaning, or email to join our Google group.

If you are planning to join us, go to the announced meeting location, look for the Tybee Clean Beach Volunteers banner, pick up a bucket & grabber, and hit the beach for as long as you like, typically an hour. When finished, simply leave the full bucket and grabber by the cart since we sort and recycle as much of the trash as possible.

Pretty simple, very satisfying!


Sunday September 23rd at 5:30 PM - make up date for the International Coastal Cleanup. Meet across from the Tybee Island Marine Science Center, parking passes available.

Sunday September 30th @ 5:30 PM - beach clean up, check back for location..