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Sea Grant Education

Sea Grant educators provide valuable leadership in marine and aquatic science education activities throughout the nation, playing a leading role in K‐12, undergraduate, graduate, professional, technical and public education in coastal communities. Education programs are designed to inform citizens in coastal and Great Lakes communities and help prepare the next generation of professionals involved with our nation’s coastal resources, communities and economies. Sea Grant’s education portfolio includes undergraduate and graduate education, teacher education, K-12 curriculum development, fellowships, informal education for the general public, special training programs for industry and much more. Educators work closely with universities, the NOAA Office of Education, the National Marine Educators Association and other partners to develop formal education programs, workforce training and professional education programs.













The Bridge is Sea Grant's online collection of ocean education resources.

The Bridge is a growing collection of the best marine education resources available on-line. It provides educators with a convenient source of accurate and useful information on global, national, and regional marine science topics, and gives researchers a contact point for educational outreach. Resources are organized as indicated on the sidebar on the left side of the screen. Partners include the National Sea Grant College Program (Sea Grant), the National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP), and the National Marine Educators Association (NMEA).

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Featured Education Projects

Sea Grant Education in the News

NOAA Sea Grant and Fisheries announce 2018 Joint Fellowship Recipients

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NOAA Sea Grant and Fisheries announce 2018 Joint Fellowship Recipients

The National Marine Fisheries Service-Sea Grant Joint Fellowship program supports students pursuing doctoral degrees in population and ecosystem dynamics as well as marine resource economics. The program is a focused workforce development effort to train highly qualified professionals in areas of critical need for NOAA’s science-based approach to fisheries management.

Sea Grant and partners work together to restore culturally important wild rice

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Sea Grant and partners work together to restore culturally important wild rice

Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin Sea Grant programs along with NOAA's Office for Coastal Management and many tribal and local partners are working together to increase community awareness about the cultural and ecological importance of native wild rice. 

Sea Grant shares lessons learned from coastal storms to help communities

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Sea Grant shares lessons learned from coastal storms to help communities

Sea Grant works with coastal communities across the U.S., Puerto Rico and Guam to improve community resilience to coastal storms. Sea Grant engages in vulnerability assessments, resilience planning and social science initiatives to learn from previous storms and better prepare for future storms.

Lake Champlain Sea Grant Achieves Sea Grant Institute Status

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Lake Champlain Sea Grant Achieves Sea Grant Institute Status

Lake Champlain Sea Grant earned the honor as an Institutional Program for demonstrating excellence in research, education and public service dedicated to the environmentally responsible management and development in the Nation’s marine, coastal and Great Lakes resources. As a Sea Grant Institute, Lake Champlain Sea Grant is eligible for additional federal funding and is expected to increase the research portfolio of the program.

Science Serving America's Coasts

National Sea Grant College Program
1315 East-West Highway | Silver Spring, MD 20910 | 301.734.1066
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