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Sea Grant Announces the 2019 John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship Finalists

Sea Grant is pleased to announce the 2019 John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship Finalists. These talented early career professionals will travel to Washington, D.C. in Fall 2018 to meet with prospective host offices in the Executive and Legislative branches of government for fellowship placement. In February 2019, they will begin a busy and challenging fellowship year that, for many, is a life changing experience. Meet the 2019 finalists below, and scroll down to learn more about the Knauss Fellowship. 

Download the list of 2019 Knauss Finalists (PDF)

Read the announcement

John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship Program

The Sea Grant Knauss Fellowship provides a unique educational and professional experience to graduate students who have an interest in ocean, coastal and Great Lakes resources and in the national policy decisions affecting those resources. The Fellowship, named after one of Sea Grant's founders, former NOAA Administrator, John A. Knauss, matches highly qualified graduate students with "hosts" in the legislative and executive branch of government located in the Washington, D.C. area, for a one year paid fellowship.

Knauss Fellowship Overview 2018 (PDF download)

Tips on applying for the Knauss Fellowship (PDF download)

Prospective Fellows

The application period for the 2019 fellowship has closed. Sea Grant anticipates opening the opportunity for the 2020 fellowship in Fall 2018 with applications due to Sea Grant programs in later winter 2019. Check this website for updates. 

Eligibility (2019 fellows)

An eligible applicant is any student, regardless of citizenship, who, on February 21, 2018, is enrolled towards a degree in a graduate program that has an interest in ocean, coastal and Great Lakes resources and in the national policy decisions affecting those resources. The graduate degree must be awarded through an accredited institution of higher education in the United States or U.S. Territories. 

Application information may be found on, at It may also be obtained from the eligible Sea Grant programs. Applicants from states not served by a Sea Grant program should obtain further information by contacting the Knauss Sea Grant Fellowship Program Manager at the National Sea Grant Office (NSGO).

Length of Assignment

The length of assignment is one-year (non-renewable). The dates of the official fellowship are February 1, 2019 - January 31, 2020.

How to Apply

Applications must be submitted to the state Sea Grant program by February 23, 2018. Applicants are strongly encouraged to reach out to the Sea Grant Program in their state one to two months prior to the state application deadline to receive application support and provide notification of an intent to apply. The applicant should allow sufficient time to schedule an interview with the eligible Sea Grant program at the program’s request.

Each Sea Grant program may select and forward to the national competition no more than six (6) applicants selected according to criteria listed in the federal funding opportunity.

Applications to the national competition must come from Sea Grant programs, not individual applicants and must be must be received and validated by by the deadline of 11:59 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) on April 06, 2018. The competitive selection process and subsequent notification to the eligible Sea Grant Programs or Projects will be completed by June 2018.

More information for prospective fellows on Inside Sea Grant

Host Offices

A Knauss Host Office provides an educational opportunity to a fellow who in turn provides substantial and professional contributions to the office. The hosts provide opportunities for involvement in substantive issues that support the fellows’ professional and educational accomplishments and goals.

For examples of Host Offices that participate in the Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship program, as well as position descriptions, please review the 2017 Knauss Positions.

If you are a current host office, or are interested in Hosting a 2018 Knauss Marine Policy Fellow, please see our Host Resources Page on Inside Sea Grant. 

More information for host offices on Inside Sea Grant

Current Fellows

The 2018 Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship began February 1, 2018 and will run through January 31, 2019. The class is comprised of 45 Executive Finalists and 12 Legislative Finalists placed in various executive and legislative offices in the DC metro area.

Read the 2018 Knauss finalist announcement

2018 Executive and Legislative Fellows - placements (PDF)

Please see below for more detailed information about our 2018 Fellows.

More information for current fellows on Inside Sea Grant

2017 Fellows

Knauss Alumni

Knauss Alumni Profiles: Where are they now?


Paloma Aguirre, CA
Alec Bogdanoff, WHOI
Patrick Donovan, MI
Melissa Errend, OR
Zoe Gentes, RI
Rebecca Gilbert, CT
Eva Lipiec, OR
Anna Normand, FL
Noah Oppenheim, ME
Yareli Sanchez, USC
Erica Towle, FL
Katherine Tsantiris, CT

Alexandra Atkinson, MD
Monique Baskin, VA
Sean Bath, SC
Frances Bothfeld, DE
Jhoset Burgos-Rodriguez, PR
Rebecca Derex, SC
Dorothy Dick, OR
Laura Early, GA
Erin Eastwood, NY
Laura Ferguson, OR
Lauren Fields, ILIN
Kyrstin Fornace, WHOI
Shanie Gal-Edd, MD
Supriti Ghosh, NC
Simon Gore, CT
Alexandra Harper, FL
Symone Johnson, DE
Elizabeth Lewis, VA
Wencheng Liu-Slater, MD
Abby Lunstrum, VA
Matthew Lurie, HI
Jennafer Malek, GA
Trevor Meckley, MI
Amanda Netburn, CA
Laura Newcomb, WA
Brendan Newell, NH
Efeturi Oghenekaro, MD
Pua'ala Pascua, HI
Katheryn Patterson, VA
Karen Pianka, ME
Casey Pickell, LA
Kristin Raub, CT
Larry Redd, VA
Alexander Renaud, VA
Erin Shew, AK
Natalie Spear, TX
Ellen Spooner, MI
Sarah Stein, IL-IN
Erica Wales, DE
Yuntao Wang, GA
Matthew Womble, MS-AL


Yvonne Baker (VA)
Allison Colden V(A)
Raymond Eliot Crafton (CA)
Thomas Farrugia (AK)
Rachel Gentile (ILIN)
Alexis Rudd (HI)
Andrew Strosahl (ME)
Kristina Surfus (WI)
Christos Tsiamis (NH)
Katherine Westfall (USC)
Amalia Almada (WHOI)
Amy Bowman (CA)
Sarah Bowman (OH)
Benjamin Carr (MIT)
Helen Cheng (NH)
Nichola Clark (NC)
Anne Clark Baker (WHOI)
Jeanette Davis (MD)
Laura Deighan (WA)
Casey Diederich (MIT)
Carolyn Doherty (NC)
Patrick Drupp (HI)
Meagan Dunphy-Daly (NC)
Robert Ellis (FL)
Luke Feinberg (USC)
Jessica Foley (MD)
Courtney Gerstenmaier (SC)
Alyssa Hausman (ILIN)
Rachel Jacobson (MI)
Liana James (ME)
Emi Kondo (OR)
Ayman Mabrouk (MI)
Michelle Maier (OR)
Stephen Manley (VA)
Brittany Marsden (MD)
Alexis Martin (DE)
Natalie McLenaghan (GA)
Wessley Merten (PR)
Caroline Mosley (WI)
Linda Novitski (MI)
Aaron Rosenberg (CT)
Andrew Rubin (FL)
Erin Schnettler (CT)
Kaitlyn Schroeder (TX)
Bridget Seegers (USC)
Shailesh Sharma (MSAL)
Catherine Simons (WI)
Emily Skeehan (VA)
Emily Smith (LA)
Alison Stevens (MI)
Scott Van Der Hyde (VA)
Jeffrey Vieser (ME)




Katherine Allen (SC)
Whitney Bernstein (WHOI)
Brandon Elsner (RI)
Kiya Gornik (USC)
Leigh Habegger (RI)
Anna Killius (VA)
Angela Noakes (WA)
Zachary Penney (OR)
Jessica Ritter (NC)
Jennifer Sloan Ziegler (MSAL)

Sandy Aylesworth (CT)
Ivonne Bejarano (PR)
Elizabeth Bevan (MSAL)
Samantha Bickel (VA)
Kimberly Bittler (TX)
Melissa Carle (LA)
Sarah Close (OR)
Bonnie DeJoseph (WA)
Andrea Dell'apa (NC)
Alyson Fleming (CA)
Lisa Fong (USC)
Clarence Fullard (MI)
Bari Greenfeld (DE)
Li Ling Hamady (WHOI)
Shane Hanlon (PA)
Laura Henson (CA)
Anna Hermes (NJ)
Eimon (Emma) Htun (NC)
Alexis Jackson (CA)
Marissa Jones (WA)
Hunter Jones (NC)
Justine Kimball (USC)
Kenneth Lang (NY)
Anthony Marshak (MSAL)
Bonnie Myers (VA)
Tamara Newcomer MD
Sara Paver (ILIN)
Victoria Ramenzoni (GA)
Megan Stachura (WA)
Seth Sykora-Bodie (MD)
Emily Tewes (MD)
Katherine Touzinsky (ILIN)
Emily Trentacoste (CA)
Maya Walton (HI)
Chelsea Wegner (SC)
Kerry Whittaker (RI)
Sarah Wilkins (WI)
Laura Windecker (USC)
Chiara Zuccarino-Crowe (MI)


Noah Chesnin (NC)
Miriam Goldstein (CA)
Kelsey Jacobsen (USC)
Ryan Orgera (LA)
Stephanie Owens (WHOI)
Sarah Parker (RI)
Gabrielle Saluta (VA)
Rachel Silverstein (FL)
Emily Smail (USC)
Daniel Sousa (NY)

Kristin Anderson (CA)
Jennifer Bosch (MD)
Nicole Bransome (MD)
Jared Brewer (CA)
Mele Coleman (HI)
Theresa Davenport (VA)
Tara Dolan (FL)
Gabriel Dunham (RI)
Katherine Farrow (ME)
Leah Fisher (SC)
Elizabeth Fly (SC)
Rachel Fontana (CA)
Marie Fujitani (HI)
Grantly Galland (CA)
Dave Gershman (MI)
Carrie Givens (GA)
Sepp Haukebo (TX)
Henry Hodde (TX)
Clifford Hutt (MSAL)
Leslie Irwin (PA)
Brittany King (USC)
Marin Kress (WHOI)
Umi Muawanah (CT)
Katherine Nixon (USC)
Najwa Obeid (ILIN)
Nicholas Obolensky (RI)
Erica Ombres (FL)
Santhiska Pather (MIT)
Jennifer Phillips (WI)
Wendy Dow Piniak (NC)
Kateryna Samoteskul (DE)
Zachary Schulman (NY)
Alana Smentek-Duerr (FL)
Courtney Smith (MSAL)
Carrie Soltanoff (MD)
Jennifer Thompson (OR)
Will Tyburczy (ILIN)
Erin Wilkinson (ME)


Jillian Cohen (NY)
Jennifer Dresler (OR) 
Fern Gibbons (MIT)
Rebecca Jablonski-Diehl (WA)
Lindsey Kraatz (VA)
Kyle Molton (MI)
Ellen Tyler (WHOI)
Charlotte Weaver (VA)
Alyson Azzara (TX)
April Bagwill (TX)
Stacy Beharry (VA)
Jennifer Bennett (SC)
Liam Carr (TX)
Michaela Clemence (USC)
Sanya Compton (GA) 
Micah Effron (USC)
Deborah Fauquier (CA)
Julia Galkiewicz (FL)
Kristen Jabanoski (NC)
Robert Jones (FL)
Wan-Jean Lee (NH)
Eric MacMillan (MI)
Anna Manyak (SC)
Meghan Massaua (WA)
Pamela Michael (HI)
Christopher Prosser (VA)
Alexis Rife (CA)
Erin Sams (OH)
Katherine Segarra (GA)
Leah Sharpe (MN)
Brandon Sousa (LA)
Emily Susko (VA)
Dania Trespalacios (CT)
Tali Vardi (CA)
Emily Vuxton (NC)
Michelle Walsh (NH)
Kathleen Welder (TX)
Brooke White (MN)
Annie Yau (USC)


Kristen Bor (USC)
Andrew Coleman (MS) 
Katie Cramer (CA) 
Hannah Dean (WHOI) 
Heidi Geisz (VA) 
Brett Hartl (OR) 
Nicole Rohr (RI) 
Jennifer Salerno (HI)
Nicole Teutschel (CA) 
Becky Blanchard (FL) 
Kristin Carden (CA)
Ben Carswell (GA)
Hui (Cheng) Rodomsky(CT)
Anna Coffey (VA)
Chelsea Combest-Friedman (WA)
Bethany Craig (WA)
Jennifer Cudney (NC) 
Henry DeBey (CT)
Denise Ellis-Hibbett (WHOI)
Joseph Fillingham (WI)
Caitlin Frame (MIT)
Emily Gamelin (NH) 
Carrie Gill (RI)
Rosa Gonzalez (PR)
Abigail Graefe (VA)
Kathleen Haber (RI)
Christina Hoefsmit (RI)
Kimberly Holzer (VA)
Colin Hume (MI)
Ayana Johnson (CA)
Sierra Jones (SC)
Amanda Keledjian (CA)
Lauren Land (LA)
Olivia Lee (TX)
Matthew Lettrich (NC)
Ethan Lucas (WA)
Megan Mueller (MD)
Katrina Phillips (FL)
James Reinhardt (CT)
Staci Rijal (VA)
Amy Scaroni (LA)
Osvaldo Sepulveda-Villet (OH)
Joshua Stoll (NC)


Leslie Abramson (USC)
Danielle Brzezinksi (ME) 
Ashley Erickson (NC)
Heather Havens (FL) 
Anna-Marie Laura (NC) 
Kelly Pennington (MN) 
Charles Rathburn (SC)
Corey Ridings (CT)
Joseph Tyburczy (OR)
Lisa Adams (HI)
Mike Allen(IN)
Jocelyn Brown-Saracino (ME)
Megan Campbell (LC)
Karen Carlson (CA)
Keith Cialino (WHOI)
Shannon Cosentino-Roush (LC)
Kornelia Dabrowska (OH)
Adrian Dahood (TX)
Jennie Dean (NC)
Amardeep Dhanju (DE)
Christina Durham (NC)
Jaqueline Haskell (RI)
Terill Anne Hollweg (CT)
Michelle Johnston (SC)
Galen Kaufman (GA)
Anne Marie LeBlanc Eich (MS_AL)
Sherry Lippiatt (CA)
Kari MacLauchlin (FL)
Wendi Morrison (GA)
Maria Murray (MD)
Meredith Ferdie Muth (VA)
Katie Nichols (CA)
Carl Nim (OH)
Joe Nohner (MI)
Delisse Ortiz (WA)
Tauna Rankin (FL)
Danielle Rioux (WA)
Margaret Robinson (MI)
Ian Smith (WA)
Caitlin Snyder (DE)
Kyle Vanderlugt (CA)
Lisa Vandiver (SC)
Pricilla Viana (IN)
Erika Washburn (NH)
Joseph Zelasney (WA)
Long Zhou (RI)


Nicholas Battista (RI) 
Jeb Berman (NY) 
Annie Cooper (MN) 
Mark Gleason (WA) 
Elia Herman (NC) 
Adena Leibman (SC) 
Josh Madeira (CA) 
James Mueller (DE) 
Caroline Paulsen (WA) 
Daniel R. Reineman (HI) 
Safra Altman (MD) 
Adam Baske (CA) 
Chelsea (Lowes) Berg(WI) 
Mary Bozza (AK) 
Alexandra Brown (CA) 
Joshua Brown (OH) 
Walter D. Cox (TX) 
Marvourneen Dolor (MD) 
Jennifer Dupont (FL) 
Stephen Durkee (NC) 
Jessica Dutton (CA) 
Abigail Fanklin (MIT) 
Rebecca Holyoke (MD) 
Li-Qing Jiang (GA) 
Tonya Kane (USC) 
Melanie D. King (FL) 
Daijiro Kobashi (LA) 
Shelly Krueger (GA) 
Benjamin Laws (HI) 
Sean Ledwin (MI) 
Celeste Leroux (AK) 
Elizabeth Livermont (NJ) 
Rebecca McMahon (ME) 
Steven McMurray (NC) 
Sarah Melton (OR) 
Kate Mulvaney (RI) 
Stephanie Oakes (CA) 
Sara Opfer (OH) 
Melissa Pratt-Zossoungbo (MS-AL) 
Catherine Purcell (USC) 
Anna Sawabini (WHOI) 
Mridula Srinivasan (TX) 
Courtney St. John (SC) 
Erin Steiner (AK) 
Brycen Swart (OR) 
Sue Vang (WI)


Lynn Abramson (NY)
Marselle Alexander-Ozinskas (RI)
Ellen Bolen (NC)
Deborah Glickson (WA)
Charlotte Hieke (TX)
Karen Hyun (RI)
Katrina Lassiter (WA)
Amanda McCarty (SC)
Julie Palakovich (MN)
Joshua Steele (USC) 
Courtney Arthur (SC)
Jessica Beck (TX)
Jessica Berrio (SC)
Angela Bobeldyk (IL-IN)
David Bylsma (WI)
Mark Carter (IL-IN)
Lora Clarke (NY)
Rebecca Feldman (NC)
Joselyd García (PR)
Edward Gorecki (TX)
MaryLee Haughwout (WI)
Christopher Hayes (VA)
Lara Hinderstein (TX)
Christopher Holmes (OR)
Ami Kang (DE)
Seanbob Kelly (AK)
Nicholas Klingensmith (OR)
Aaron Kornbluth (NH)
Luis Leandro (SC)
Terra Lederhouse (MD)
Staci Lewis (MS-AL)
Lisanne Lucas (NY)
Abby Lynch (VA)
Paulo Maurin (HI)
Vanessa Maxwell (LA)
Emily McDonald (SC)
Jennifer Mehaffey (RI)
Tina O'Connell (CT)
Frank Parker (VA)
Christine Fletcher (RI)
Rochelle Plutchak (MS-AL)
Allison Reed (OR)
Bronwen Rice (OR)
Glynnis Roberts (USC)
Jaclyn Taylor(NJ)
Thanh Vo dinh (NY)
Bret Wolfe (VA)
Kateryna Wowk (DE)


Kassandra Cerveny (PR)
Lisa Iwahara (TX)
Molly Jacobs (WA)
Jennifer Kassakian (WA)
Stuart Levenbach (CA)
Martha McConnell (SC)
James Norman (GA)
Lia Protopapadakis (NC)
Jeffrey Watters (WI)
Ann Zulkosky (NY) 
Greer Anderson (WA)
Shawn Arellano (OR)
Paul Bradley (VA)
Michela Burla (OR)
Jingjie Chu (RI)
Jihong Dai (GA)
Reagan Errera (TX)
Elizabeth Etrie (RI)
Po Chi Fung (USC)
Erin Gallagher (NJ)
Karla Garcia (OH)
David Ginsburg (USC)
Pablo Granados-Dieseldorff (LA)
Heather Halter (FL)
Anne Isham (WHOI)
Yong Jiang (RI)
Emily Kelly (MI)
David Kidwell (MD)
Lauren McChesney (MD)
Christopher Meaney (CT)
Nicole Morris (FL)
Andrea Neu (MS-AL)
Ingrid Nugent (NC)
Leonard Pace (VA)
Greg Pendleton (WA)
Anne Readel (IL-IN)
Kathleen Semon (SC)
Tom Smerling (MD)
Matthew Strickler (VA)
Christopher Uyeda (FL)
Augustus Vogel (USC)
Amy Wagner (TX)
Ryan Wulff (CA)
Adam Zitello (NC)


Michael Conathan (RI)
Simon Gerrlofs (WA)
Letise Houser (DE)
Sheril Kirshenbaum (ME)
Emily Knight (ME)
Mark Lange (USC)
Amber Mace (CA)
John Meyer (NH)
Charlotte Stevenson (CA) 
Abayomi Ademuwagun (NJ)
Heather Allen (CA)
Rebecca Asch (RI)
Jessica Barkas (WA)
Christian Barrientos (FL)
Laurie Bauer (MD)
Rachel Butzler (TX)
Emily Cloyd (NY)
Sahrye Cohen (CA)
Jason Didden (DE)
Juliette Finzi (USC)
Kathryn Fitzgibbons (USC)
Kristine Hiltunen (SC)
Wilhelmina Innes (NC)
Mary Jacobs-Spaulding (CA)
Liza Johnson (SC)
Margaret Knuth (NY)
Debra Lambert (VA)
Jonathan Lilley (DE)
Sheridan MacAuley (MD)
Sarah McTee (HI)
Meredith Mendelson (ME)
Ryan Prime (NJ)
John Primo (GA)
Lauren Ris (MI)
Kenli Schaaf (IL-IN)
Katherine Smith (GA)
Thomas Street (DE)
Adrienne Sutton (MD)
Cristina Urizar (TX)
Cynthia (Kate) Von Holle (IL-IN)
Li Zhang (TX)
Leigh Zimmermann (NC)


Kristen Averyt (USC)
Chad English (CA)
Leila Hatch (NY)
Gene W. Kim (OH)
Christopher Krenz (OR)
Mary Austill Lott (WA)
Whitley Saumweber (RI)
Brie VanCleve (WA)
Allison Vogt (GA)
Stephen Workman (NC) 
Melissa Andersen (WA)
Tim Birdsong (LA)
Laura Bozzi (CT)
Sarah Carr (NC)
Bridgett Chapin (IL/IN)
Marcia de Almeida (FL)
Kelly Denit (FL)
Gabrielle Dorr (NY)
Jean Ellis (TX)
Elizabethann English (NC)
Katherine Eschelbach (NC)
Dwight K. Gledhill (TX)
Kevin Grant (WA)
K. Alyssa Gundersen (VA)
Nancy Jamison (RI)
Emily Larkin (OR)
Kirsten Larsen (MS-AL)
Kristen Laursen (LA)
Christen Loper (DE)
Katherine McFadden (NY)
Chad McNutt (TX)
Jesse Mechling (RI)
Justyna Nicinska (NJ)
Sarah Beth (Owen) Bisson (CT)
Diane Pansky (WI)
Kristin Rusello (MD)
Gina Shamsak (RI)
Elizabeth Taylor (HI)
Kate Willis (TX)
Jacqueline Wilson (FL)



Jennifer Brewer (MIT)
Bo Dame (NC)
Jenny Hernandez (WA)
Jess Maher (NC)
Eric Nagel (MD)
Corey Niles (WA) 
Jacques Oliver (VA)
Susannah Sheldon (SC)
Mike Snyder (NY)
Brian Weitz (NY)
Nicolas Alvarado (TX) 
Jen Bachus (MD)
Kristan Blackhart (CA)
Meredith Blaydes (DE)
Michael Clark (VA)
Colleen Corrigan (WI)
Jen Costanza (DE)
Shannon Dionne (CA)
Adrienne Harris (NC)
Julie Kellner (CA)
Rosemary Kosaka (RI)
Evaristo Liwa (LA)
Naomi A. Lundberg (MD)
Bernice McLean (DE)
Gustavo Rubio (FL)
Rebecca Shuford (SC)
Shauna Slingsby (NC)
Robyn Smyth (LC)
LeAnn R. Southward (OH)
Pamela Toschik (MD)
Noel Turner (SC)
Bruce Vogt (VA)
Vicki Wedell (OR)


Carli Bertrand (RI) 
Bridget Ferriss (WA) 
Rachel M. Gallant (NH) 
Erica B. Goldman (WA) 
Julien Lartigue (MS/AL) 
Amanda Leland (ME) 
Sunshine Menezes (RI) 
Barbara A. Peichel (MN) 
Malia Ana J. Rivera (HI) 
Melissa K. Woods (MS/AL)
Rachel Adams (MIT) 
Jeffrey B. Augello (VT) 
Ramesh Baskaran (RI) 
Stefano Belfiore (DE) 
Carl R. Childs (FL) 
Neven-Stjepan Fuckar (TX) 
Cidney N. Howard (OR) 
Jennifer Jefferies (SC) 
Olaf P. Jensen (MD) 
Jennifer M. Linn (CT) 
Miguel Lugo (PR) 
S. Elizabeth Lumsden (TX) 
Carrie A. McDougall (CA) 
Lisa Manning (NC) 
Felix A. Martinez (OH) 
Larissa Nojek (NC) 
Vicki Lee Pilon (VA) 
Taconya D. Piper (MD) 
Laura V. Rear (CT) 
Laura J. Snow (OR) 
Melanie A. Spring (VA) 
James B. Sullivan (GA) 
Kevin R. Wood (WA)


Megan Agy (MI) 
Seema Balwani (WA) 
Peter B. Fippinger (USC) 
Arminda L. Gensler (VA) 
Karl E. Gustavson (WI) 
Gerhard Kuska (DE) 
Kristine D. Lynch (MI) 
Jennifer R. Hauser (USC) 
Johanna Polsenberg (CA) 
Catherine C. Ware (VA)
David Bizot (RI) 
Kassandra Brown (OR) 
Erika L. Carlsen (NH) 
Winnie Chan (MA/MIT) 
Gonzalo Cid (DE) 
Angela E. Corridore(NC) 
Alyson Hartley Craig (GA) 
Alyne E. Delaney (PA) 
Elizabeth Fairey (SC) 
Erik A. Heinen (MIN) 
Aleria Jensen (MD) 
Laura L. Letson (CT) 
John W. McLaughlin (NH) 
Catalina Martinez (RI) 
Sara E. Mirabilio (VA) 
Laura Oremland (NY) 
Rachel Peitsch (OR) 
Jeremy Potter (NC) 
Nadia Sbeih (FL) 
David Scheurer (MD) 
Katherine Smukler (WA) 
Stacy Swartwood (MD) 
Lynn Takata (MD) 
Kathy Tedesco (SC) 
Jeanette Waddell (WA) 
Shelby E. Walker (VA) 
Rebecca M. Weidman (CT)


John Adornato, III (MD) 
Eileen Alicea (FL) 
Rebecca Arenson (VA) 
Krisa Arzayus (VA) 
Brian Badgley (MD) 
Sapna Batish (OH) 
Camilla Boyte (OR) 
David Canny (NC) 
Laura Cimo (MI) 
Sean Corson (CT) 
Alix Cotumaccio (CA) 
Katherine Croff (MIT) 
Antonia Fairbanks (WA) 
Melissa Feldberg (OR) 
Giselle Firme (DE) 
Deirdre Gilbert (ME) 
Melissa Haltuch (OH) 
Jamie Krauk (USC) 
Audra Livergood (FL) 
Kristen Long (NC) 
Lisa Max (CT) 
Katherine Mills (NY) 
Sarah Morison (VA) 
Wendy Morrison (MD) 
Elizabeth Mountz (VA) 
Micheal Peccini (TX) 
Kimberly Puglise (CA) 
Cynthia Smith (RI) 
Julilanna Weir (SC) 
Christopher Yates (FL) 


Donna An  (CT) 
Barbara Bach  (SC) 
Lillian Becker  (FL) 
Kimberly Benson  (MD) 
Christopher Caldow   (TX) 
Tanya Dobrzynski  (NC) 
Nelia Badilla Forest  (CA) 
Adrienne Froelich  (IL/IN) 
Jason Goldberg  (VA) 
Allen Hance  (MI) 
Matthew Huggler  (NC) 
Ruth Kelty  (MD) 
Christian Lenhart  (WI) 
Daniel Lyons  (NC) 
Emily Lindow  (MI) 
Sally McGee  (RI) 
Jill Myer  (VA) 
Jennifer Murphy  (WA) 
Elizabeth Nicholson  (NC) 
David O’Brien  (MD) 
Amy Owsley  (CT) 
Michelle Pico  (WA) 
Jonathan Pundsack  (MN) 
Nicole Ricci  (SoCal) 
Hudson Roditi  (NY) 
Samantha Romanello  (OH) 
Kelly Shotts  (MS-AL) 
Jennifer Skidmore  (OH) 
Edward Stets  (MS-AL) 
Sean Willard  (WA) 
Lisa Wooninck  (CA)


Robert W. Aquirre III (LA) 
Tina Armstrong (MD) 
Jennifer Arnold (WHOI) 
Edmund R. Buckner (IL) 
Jena Carter (RI) 
Elizabeth A. Day (SC) 
Nikola M. Garber (MS/AL) 
Kirk S. Gillis (TX) 
Emily Hanson (OR) 
Dosoo Jang (DE) 
Christopher Jeffrey (GA) 
David W. Kerstetter (VA) 
Holly R. Koehler (IN) 
John Lopez (RI) 
Brian McLachlan (WA) 
Jennifer Z. Merrill (MD) 
Kathleen Moore (NC) 
Kirsten L. Prettyman (CT) 
Jennifer Rahn (FL) 
Jeffrey J. Ripp (WI) 
Ashley Simons (CA) 
Alison Sipe (DE) 
Susan Solarz (MN) 
Robert Sparkman (CA) 
Troy Sparks (TX) 
Marla A. Steinhoff (CT) 
Cynthia Suchman (RI) 
Tonna-Marie L. Surgeon (CT) 
Catherine Wannamaker (NC) 
Robyn Wingrove (SC)


Stephanie Bailenson (HI) 
Rebecca Boger (VA) 
Andrew Bruckner (PR) 
Katherine Colborn (NC) 
Nancy Craig (NY) 
David J. Detlor (CT) 
Milen Dyoulgerov (DE) 
John C. Field (WA) 
Patricia C. F. Geets (LA) 
Kelly A. Greene (MD) 
Douglas G. Hodum (ME) 
Mara Hogan (SC) 
Maria G. Honeycutt (DE) 
Matthew Kendall (NC) 
Martin J. Kodis (WHOI) 
David Lund (OR) 
Brett Melone (CA) 
Karen L. B. Newton (GA) 
Michael Oetker (MI) 
Kristopher Pickler (NC) 
Bonnie J. Ponwith (TX) 
Terry L. Schaefer (LA) 
Thomas A. Shyka (MD) 
Jeffrey Stein (IL) 
Lani M. Watson (CA) 
Eli Weissman (WA) 
Neng Yu (OH)


Gregory Balco (ME) 
Heather Benway (NH) 
Michael Coyne (TX) 
Anamarija Frankic (VA) 
Melissa Gordon (LA) 
Anne Gore (MI) 
Sara Gottlieb (MD) 
Ronald Hill (PR) 
Louise Kane (RI) 
Theresa Marsh (WA) 
Christos Michalopoulos (CT) 
A. Whitman Miller (CA) 
Sheri Moor (WI) 
Elisabeth Morgan (NC) 
Joy Mullinex (OR) 
Luke Nachbar (CA) 
Jennifer Newton (VA) 
Sean Powers (TX) 
James D. Reilly (NC) 
Paula Souik (WI) 
Jill Stevenson (MD) 
Dan Terrell (OR) 
Kate Wing (WA) 
Matthew Witten (NH)


Jennifer Aiosa (VA) 
Timothy Battista (MD) 
Sarah Bittleman (NC) 
Mark Chandler (OH) 
Patricia Cicero (WI) 
Debbie Colbert (CA) 
Lisa Dilling (CA) 
Lisa Dipinto (SC) 
Alexander Elkan (NC) 
Laura Ernst (RI) 
Marshall Hayes (NC) 
Coalter Lathrop (WA) 
Elizabeth Lauck (VA) 
Lynn Mizner Maher (MN) 
Catherine Marzin (WA) 
Reyhan Mehran (NY) 
Glenn Merrill (WA) 
Nina Mollett (AK) 
Patrick Moran (DE) 
Andy Oliver (RI) 
Adelaide Rhodes (FL) 
Ms. Margo Schulze (WHOI) 
Rebecca Smyth (WHOI) 
Rochelle Sturtevant (OH) 
Samantha Woods (MIT


Thomas Ardito (RI) 
Glenn Boledovich (OR) 
Karen Brubeck (VA) 
Lynette Cardoch (FL) 
Robert Childers (NY) 
John D. Christensen (TX) 
Charlotte de Fontaubert (DE) 
Michael Devin (FL) 
Eric Dolin (MIT) 
Erika Feller (AK) 
Brenden Holland (TX) 
Justin LeBlanc (MIT) 
Fernando Leyva (NC) 
Rebecca Metzner (DE) 
Anthony Murphy (OH) 
Michael Murphy (OR) 
Sharonne O'Shea (OR) 
Chris Pallister (WA) 
Cinnamon Rogers (NC) 
Erik Schmidt (CA) 
Macol Stewart (CT) 
Catherine Stokes-Wazniak (MD) 
Gabrielle Tenzer (MI) 
Sidney W. Thurston (FL) 
Juli Trtanj (CT)


Finlay Anderson (OR) 
Peter Barile (FL) 
Christopher Behr (WI) 
LT. Thomas Boyd, PhD (CA) 
Mara Brown (OR) 
Mark Brown (FL) 
Bonnie Bruce (VA) 
Christopher Carr(CA) 
Robert Cho (NY) 
Jessica Cogan (NC) 
Abby Friedman (RI) 
Roger Griffis (LA) 
Ellen Hawes (SC) 
Katharine Hornbarger (MI) 
Elizabeth Lamoureaux (NY) 
Holly Lynch (MI) 
Donald MacLean (MD) 
Pamela T. Plotkin (TX) 
Nancy Roth (MI) 
Paul Salop (OR) 
Amy Santin (MD) 
Elizabeth (Keane) Shea (VA) 
Greg Smith (TX) 
Alton Straub (WA) 
Steven Whitesell (NC)


William Archambault (RI) 
Martha Balis-Larsen (VA) 
Mary Beth Beetham (MD) 
Gustavo Bisbal (RI) 
Susan Boa (FL) 
Robert Boyles (DE) 
J. Jed Brown (NY) 
Craig Czarnecki (MI) 
Sean Downing (NY) 
Stephanie Krone Firestone (VA) 
Robert Fletcher (OH) 
Brenda Hood (WA) 
Frank Lockhart (WA) 
Shane Merz (MIT) 
Brita Otteson (OR) 
Brady Phillips (OR) 
Jean-Pierre Plé (DE) 
Jenny Plummer (SC) 
Victor Pyle (LA) 
Julie Roberts Furgerson (VA) 
Ramona Schreiber-Butchko (MS/AL) 
Heather Weiner (FL) 
Erik Zobrist (SC)


Pam Baker (RI) 
Wade Bryant (FL) 
Russell Callender (TX) 
Jodi Cassell (OR) 
Kristin Churchill (DE) 
Joseph Cione (NC) 
Alessandra Conversi (CA) 
Cynthia Decker (NY) 
Sanjay Gupta (NY) 
Benjamin Haskell (MD) 
David Jansen (WA) 
Carol Collinson Kahl (MD) 
Deidre Kimball (MIT) 
Ellen Morris (RI) 
Diana Olinger (DE) 
Barbara Jeanne Polo (VA) 
Susan Pultz (CT) 
Carl Rebstock (AK) 
Peter Rice (NH) 
William S. Robie (AK) 
Nathaniel Stevens (MI) 
Laurie Sullivan (MS/AL) 
Lauren Wenzel (MI) 
David Wilmot (CA) 
Benjamin Witherell (MI)


Colleen Baggot Henson (MN) 
Jill Brady (AK) 
Ned Cyr (SC) 
Mark Eakin (FL) 
David Engel (DE) 
Ashely Evans (AK) 
David Forman (HI) 
Doug Helton (WA) 
Suzanne Jones (MI) 
Aaron King (CA) 
Steve Kokkinakis (OR) 
Lee Langstaff (CT) 
Brenda Mills (MI) 
Elizabeth Moore (FL) 
Dan Olson (MN) 
Anne Petrenko (CA) 
Sam Pett (MIT) 
Carol Richardson (WI) 
Terry Schaff (NC) 
Janice Sessing (HI) 
Robert Shavelson (OR) 
Margaret Spring (NC)


Catherine Cekolin (MS/AL) 
George Dennis III (PR) 
Frances Eargle (SC) 
Maureen Eldredge (RI) 
John Epifanio (IL/IN) 
Jean Flemma (WA) 
Peter Hill (VA) 
Matt Huston (MIT) 
Robert June (MI) 
Chris Mann (RI) 
Michele Monti (VA) 
Dawn Parks (NC) 
Victoria Pebbles (MI) 
Andrea Ray (DE) 
John Rosapepe (MI) 
Steven Stone (OR)


John D. Baker (NC) 
Jeffery Ballweber (OR) 
M. Grant Cunningham (SC) 
Wendy Graham (WA) 
Daniel Grosse (WA) 
Keren Holtz (WA) 
Gabrielle Kardon (MI) 
Josh Kardon (NC) 
David (Moe) Nelson (MN) 
Robin Rice Peuser (RI) 
Doreen Robb (OH) 
Paul Scholz (SC) 
Heidi Sherk (MI) 
Susan Sponaugle (NY) 
Greg Stone (RI) 
Edward Urban (DE) 
Judy Wells (MI) 
John Wickham (FL) 
Donna Wieting (LA) 
Marc Wilson (MS/AL)


Megan Bailiff (HI) 
Eleanor Bochenek (VA) 
Richard Chinman (RI) 
Steven Connor (TX) 
Eileen Curry (NH) 
Allen Dietz (CA) 
Kelly Faulkner Countouris (TX) 
Mark R. Fisher (TX) 
Stephen Frerichs (MN) 
James Hoff (VA) 
Dennis Lassuy (OR) 
Michael R. Nelson (MIT) 
Debra Prybyla (MI) 
Alan Risenhoover (TX) 
Vernon Ross (WA) 
Leslie Sherman (MN) 
Jack Sobel (NY) 
Dolores Wesson (WA) 
James Witkowski (FL)


Pablo Arenas Fuentes (CA) 
Ivar Babb (RI) 
Marci Bortman (FL) 
Jeffrey Busch (WI) 
James Camp (NC) 
Alison Craig (TX) 
Darlene Finch (NC) 
Laura L. Geselbracht (WA) 
Carol Iancu (NY) 
Susan Jackson (RI) 
Christopher Nelson (NY) 
Steven Olson (TX) 
Reynaldo Patino (OR) 
Marjorie Pless (OH) 
Danny Rasch (NC) 
Wendy Smith Leo (WHOI) 
Brian A. Sweeney (VA) 
Matthew Wells (WA)


Xanthippe Augerot (WA) 
Celia Y. Chen (RI) 
Carolyn Creed (NJ) 
Keith Criddle (CA) 
Lee Crockett (CT) 
Mark Freeberg (MI) 
Stewart E. Holm (FL) 
Ronald B. Landy (NY) 
Mary A. Munson (VA) 
Stephanie Ralph Meadows (VA) 
Stephanie Sanzone (SC) 
Regina Sheen-Ridgway (VA) 
Gary Shigenaka (WA) 
Daniel W. Smith (CA) 
Marlene Stern (LA) 
George Townsend (FL)


Mark Aspinwall (RI) 
Penelope Dalton (MD) 
Lise Knelson Fondren (NC) 
Jeanne M. Grasso (SoCal) 
Donna A. Johnson (CT) 
Justin Lancaster (CA) 
Vernon Robert Leeworthy (FL) 
Martin B. Main (FL) 
Daniel Margulies (MD) 
Tim Osborn (LA) 
Constance Sathre (OR) 
Lucia Susani (WHOI) 
Deborah C. Trefts (WA) 
Jill M. Zucker (SoCal)


Thomas Armitage (VA) 
James Buizer (WA) 
Paul Carothers (TX) 
Candyce Clark (RI) 
Victoria Fabry (CA) 
Daniel Farrow (WI) 
Marcus Hepburn (FL) 
Paul Kemp (LA) 
Catherine L. Mills Houlahan (MS/AL) 
Katherine Minsch (NY) 
Mark Monaco (OH) 
David Pyoas (SC) 
Nancy Reichley Higgins (RI) 
Christina Terpak-Malm (VA) 
Patience Whitten (SC)


Charles Alexander (LA) 
Timothy Bartish (OH) 
Helen S. Brohl (OH) 
Robert Deibel (CA) 
Kimberly Grane (VA) 
LT. Commander John T. Lamkin (TX) 
Kevin McManus (WA) 
Mary Margaret Overbey (FL) 
Edward Richardson (RI) 
Rebecca Rootes (TX) 
Carolyn Rumery (WI) 
Monique Trainor Rutledge (WA) 
Susan O'Malley Wade (WA) 
Andrew Zacherle (VA) 
Craig Zamuda (MD)


David Allen (MI) 
Dan Ashe (WA) 
Michael Brody (TX) 
Brian Burby (OH) 
Glen DeLaney (VA) 
William H. Horns (WI) 
Dan Jacobs (MD) 
Elizabeth Carnahan O'Sullivan (TX) 
Steven Risotto (LA) 
Erik Stromberg (WA) 
Christophe A. Tulou (RI) 
Wim J. van Teeffelen (FL) 
Heather Wicke (MI)


Dale Brown (RI) 
Cynthia Carlson Beckham (OR) 
Gail Chmura (RI) 
Gina Deferrari (WA) 
Michael P. DeLuca (VA) 
Onno Husing (WHOI) 
Tom Potts (TX) 
David Smith (TX) 
Paul Vincent (WA) 
Donald West (LA)


Darrell Brown (WA) 
Paul Davis (RI) 
Ann Hochberg (OR) 
Thor Lassen (VA) 
Bill McCluskey, Jr. (RI) 
Joanne Peterson (TX)


Robert Bolus (NH) 
Carroll Curtis (VA) 
Christine Dawson (WA) 
John Kermond (TX) 
John Kosmark (RI) 
Douglas Lipton (VA) 
Fredrick C. Paine, Esq. (NY) 
James (Trip) Rendall (WA) 
Allen Stayman (WA) 
Arthur Wilson (DE)

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