Congratulations to Our 2017 Art Contest Winners!

Posted Wed, 03/29/2017 - 11:00

It’s that time of year—time to announce the winners of the NOAA Marine Debris Program Annual Art Contest! We had hundreds of impressive entries this year and although we wish we could showcase them all, we are excited to share this year’s winners with you.

The NOAA Marine Debris Program holds this annual art contest to reach K-8 students and help raise awareness about marine debris, one of the most significant problems our ocean faces today. The resulting calendar, featuring the winning artwork, will help to remind us every day how important it is for us to be responsible stewards of the ocean. This year’s winners will be featured in our 2018 calendar, available later this year.

Thank you to all the students and schools that participated in this year’s contest, and congratulations to all of our winners!

Aman D., Grade 1, North Carolina
Carson M., Grade 4, Georgia
Marguerite A., Grade 4, California
Kameaheleikealapono S., Grade 2, Hawaii
Zachary L., Grade 4, Rhode Island
Hannah H., Grade 5, Alaska
Malisa L., Grade 8, Hawaii
Kelsen S., Grade 3, Hawaii
James S., Grade 7, Louisiana
Sasha H., Grade 6, California
Kelly L., Grade 7, California
Frida S., Grade 8, Texas
Nicole N., Grade 7, New Jersey
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Congratulations to Our 2017 Art Contest Winners!

Posted Wed, 03/29/2017 - 11:00

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