
ALOHA Example Scenarios

To build your knowledge of ALOHA and MARPLOT, download this training document and work through three step-by-step fictional ALOHA example scenarios.

Oil Spills in Marshes: Planning and Response Considerations

This 2013 report is intended to assist those who work in spill response and planning where fresh and salt marshes are at risk of oil spills.

Oil and Chemical Spill Research Publications

Here are citations for a sampling of research publications of the Emergency Response Division staff of NOAA OR&R.

Shoreline Assessment Manual

The Shoreline Assessment Manual describes the methods and process for conducting shoreline assessment after an oil spill, and using the results to make cleanup decisions.


Special Monitoring of Applied Response Technologies (SMART) is a monitoring program for dispersant and in situ burning operations.

In Situ Burning

In situ burning, or ISB, involves the controlled burning of spilled oil directly at the location of the spill.

Shoreline Countermeasures Manuals

These manuals are customizable tools for people who plan and implement shoreline countermeasures to reduce the ultimate environmental impact and cost of an oil spill.

Shoreline Assessment Job Aid

This supplement to the Shoreline Assessment Manual contains visual examples of many of the terms responders would use during shoreline assessments after an oil spill.

Dispersant Application Observer Job Aid

This field guide serves as a refresher for people who have completed training in dispersant application observation.

Open Water Oil Identification Job Aid for Aerial Observation

This job aid contains aerial color photos of oil on water to assist in identification of thickness, structure, and estimated volumes of oil on the water.

Oil Spill Response and Killer Whales

Exposure to an oil spill can cause external and internal problems in killer whales when oil is ingested or inhaled. Learn about the methods that are sometimes used to deter whales from the area of a spill.


Tarballs, the little, dark-colored pieces of oil that stick to our feet when we go to the beach, are often remnants of oil spills but can also be produced from natural seeps, places where oil slowly escapes from the earth surface above some petroleum reservoirs.

Introduction to Coastal Habitats and Biological Resources for Spill Response

This is a 1992 training manual covering physical, geological, and biological considerations relevant to oil spill response and cleanup.

Oil and Sea Turtles: Biology, Planning, and Response

This guidance document presents a basic overview of sea turtle biology and summarizes what is known about the effects of oil on sea turtles.

Oil Spills in Coral Reefs: Planning and Response Considerations

This 2001 report summarizes relevant research on coral reefs; it was written for anyone working in or planning for spill response in coral reef regions.

Oil Spills in Mangroves: Planning and Response Considerations

This 2014 report summarizes current research on mangrove ecosystems for spill response decision-makers.

Characteristics of Response Strategies: A Guide for Spill Response Planning in Marine Environments

This job aid is designed to help spill responders select appropriate response options to minimize environmental impacts when oil spills in coastal habitats.

Characteristic Coastal Habitats: Choosing Spill Response Alternatives

This is a job aid designed for anyone who needs to decide if, where, when, and how to remove oil from coastal habitats.

Trajectory Analysis Handbook

This 2002 guide describes the basic concepts involved in analyzing the trajectory of spilled oil.

Seafood Safety After an Oil Spill

When spill response managers determine that seafood may be affected by spilled oil, the next step is to assess whether seafood is tainted or contaminated to levels that could pose a risk to human health through consumption. Download several publications that describe how to monitor seafood for exposure and contamination after an oil spill.

Observers' Guide to Sea Ice

Download or order this job aid, designed for volunteers who report observations of ice conditions at sea to authorities such as the U.S. Coast Guard.

FOSC's Guide to NOAA Scientific Support

This publication, for oil and chemical spill responders, describes the products and services that the NOAA Scientific Support Team can provide to Federal On-Scene Coordinators (FOSCs).

Oil and Hazardous Materials Response Reports

Here are reports describing oil and chemical spill responses in which OR&R participated from October 1992 through September 1999.

Report: The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Revisited 25 Years Later

A new report, Twenty-Five Years After the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, synthesizes NOAA's scientific support, monitoring, and research in the aftermath of the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill.

Oil Types

Learn about the many different kinds of oil, which differ from each other in viscosity, volatility, and toxicity. When spilled, the various types of oil can affect the environment differently. They also differ in how hard they are to clean up.

ALOHA Example Scenarios

To build your knowledge of ALOHA and MARPLOT, download this training document and work through three step-by-step fictional ALOHA example scenarios.

Oil Spills in Marshes: Planning and Response Considerations

This 2013 report is intended to assist those who work in spill response and planning where fresh and salt marshes are at risk of oil spills.

Oil and Chemical Spill Research Publications

Here are citations for a sampling of research publications of the Emergency Response Division staff of NOAA OR&R.

Shoreline Assessment Manual

The Shoreline Assessment Manual describes the methods and process for conducting shoreline assessment after an oil spill, and using the results to make cleanup decisions.


Special Monitoring of Applied Response Technologies (SMART) is a monitoring program for dispersant and in situ burning operations.

In Situ Burning

In situ burning, or ISB, involves the controlled burning of spilled oil directly at the location of the spill.

Shoreline Countermeasures Manuals

These manuals are customizable tools for people who plan and implement shoreline countermeasures to reduce the ultimate environmental impact and cost of an oil spill.

Shoreline Assessment Job Aid

This supplement to the Shoreline Assessment Manual contains visual examples of many of the terms responders would use during shoreline assessments after an oil spill.

Dispersant Application Observer Job Aid

This field guide serves as a refresher for people who have completed training in dispersant application observation.

Open Water Oil Identification Job Aid for Aerial Observation

This job aid contains aerial color photos of oil on water to assist in identification of thickness, structure, and estimated volumes of oil on the water.

Oil Spill Response and Killer Whales

Exposure to an oil spill can cause external and internal problems in killer whales when oil is ingested or inhaled. Learn about the methods that are sometimes used to deter whales from the area of a spill.


Tarballs, the little, dark-colored pieces of oil that stick to our feet when we go to the beach, are often remnants of oil spills but can also be produced from natural seeps, places where oil slowly escapes from the earth surface above some petroleum reservoirs.

Introduction to Coastal Habitats and Biological Resources for Spill Response

This is a 1992 training manual covering physical, geological, and biological considerations relevant to oil spill response and cleanup.

Oil and Sea Turtles: Biology, Planning, and Response

This guidance document presents a basic overview of sea turtle biology and summarizes what is known about the effects of oil on sea turtles.

Oil Spills in Coral Reefs: Planning and Response Considerations

This 2001 report summarizes relevant research on coral reefs; it was written for anyone working in or planning for spill response in coral reef regions.

Oil Spills in Mangroves: Planning and Response Considerations

This 2014 report summarizes current research on mangrove ecosystems for spill response decision-makers.

Characteristics of Response Strategies: A Guide for Spill Response Planning in Marine Environments

This job aid is designed to help spill responders select appropriate response options to minimize environmental impacts when oil spills in coastal habitats.

Characteristic Coastal Habitats: Choosing Spill Response Alternatives

This is a job aid designed for anyone who needs to decide if, where, when, and how to remove oil from coastal habitats.

Trajectory Analysis Handbook

This 2002 guide describes the basic concepts involved in analyzing the trajectory of spilled oil.

Seafood Safety After an Oil Spill

When spill response managers determine that seafood may be affected by spilled oil, the next step is to assess whether seafood is tainted or contaminated to levels that could pose a risk to human health through consumption. Download several publications that describe how to monitor seafood for exposure and contamination after an oil spill.

Observers' Guide to Sea Ice

Download or order this job aid, designed for volunteers who report observations of ice conditions at sea to authorities such as the U.S. Coast Guard.

FOSC's Guide to NOAA Scientific Support

This publication, for oil and chemical spill responders, describes the products and services that the NOAA Scientific Support Team can provide to Federal On-Scene Coordinators (FOSCs).

Oil and Hazardous Materials Response Reports

Here are reports describing oil and chemical spill responses in which OR&R participated from October 1992 through September 1999.

Report: The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Revisited 25 Years Later

A new report, Twenty-Five Years After the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, synthesizes NOAA's scientific support, monitoring, and research in the aftermath of the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill.

Oil Types

Learn about the many different kinds of oil, which differ from each other in viscosity, volatility, and toxicity. When spilled, the various types of oil can affect the environment differently. They also differ in how hard they are to clean up.