Your help wanted: Gutenberg Migration Guide

Happy Thursday 🙂

I’ve started a new crowdsourcing project, the Gutenberg Migration Guide, to document WordPress Classic Editor customization points and their Gutenberg equivalents (if such exist).

For example, the media_buttons action is a common way to add a button atop the editor:

Its Gutenberg-equivalent is the Block Inserter. Converting a media button to the Block Inserter requires registering a block type. And now we have a corresponding page for developers to reference.

media_buttons is only one of the many ways the Classic Editor can be customized. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a database covering all of them?

This is where you come in! Take a look through the Gutenberg Migration Guide. For each action, filter, and so on, we’d like to document real-world examples of how they’ve been used. Then, for each of those real-world examples, identify how the feature might be replicated in Gutenberg.

Have a new hook to suggest or question to ask? Please open a new GitHub issue and we’ll get it sorted.