The UNT Dallas Writing Center Staff is committed to collaborating with faculty and students from all disciplines. Below are some suggestions we offer for faculty and their students to enable successful and impactful tutoring sessions at the Writing Center. 


The Writing Center as a Campus Resource


You can help students learn about the Writing Center by:

  • Including a description of the center and our website links on your syllabus
  • Encouraging students to consult our website for information on hours, location, and services provided
  • Familiarizing yourself with the Writing Center's website, resources, policies and procedures
  • Reminding students that the Writing Center is not a place for "remedial help" -- the Writing Center can help all students with general skill development and writing improvement regardless of their level of writing


Encourage Students to use the Writing Center


Encourage students to use the Writing Center by:

  • Inviting us to visit your class and give an overview of the Writing Center (Email us to request a classroom visit)
  • Scheduling a tour of the Writing Center at the beginning or end of a class period 
  • Mentioning that students can get help online as well as on-site
  • Sharing anecdotes from former students whose writing improved as a result of their visits to the Writing Center
  • Getting current students who have visited the Writing Center to share their experience with their classmates
  • Talking to your students about your own writing process and about the value of having a trusted reader provide honest, constructive feedback. Many students are intimidated or embarrassed by the idea of getting help, and it's encouraging for them to know that even experienced writers get help from others
  • Considering making a Writing Center tutoring session a condition of being allowed to rewrite a paper for a higher grade
  • Giving extra credit for visiting the Writing center at least 2-3 times OR at least a full day before the assignment is due 


Advocate Responsible Use of the Writing Center


First-time visitors are usually unprepared for their sessions and do not have a good grasp of how the Writing Center operates. Help students better prepare for their sessions by:

  • Providing students with written instructions for assignments; clearly detail expectations for content, organization, grammar, style, and documentation 
  • Reminding students to bring their assignment sheets and any previously graded papers with comments when they come. The more information students can provide for our tutors, the more catered and personalized each session will be
  • Encouraging students to ask for specific types of help with their paper--the more students can identify their strengths and weaknesses, the more our tutors will be able to focus on those areas
  • Emphasizing that students should come to the center long before their papers are due. Students who visit the Writing Center right before class/the assignments are due may not have the best results on their papers.
  • Reminding students to plan ahead and make appointments online before visiting the Center. Walk-in are extremely limited, especially during mid-terms and finals, and students may be asked to reschedule an appointment for a later date if we do not have walk-in availability.