Student Organization Advisors serve in a voluntary capacity to the student organization and provide guidance, direction, advice, and continuity to both the members and officers of the organization. The Advisor is informed of what the organization is doing and is invited to attend meetings and organization activities. Goals and ideas for the group should be discussed with the Advisor.

Eligibility & Requirements

Organization advisors are selected by each individual organization. Individuals must meet these eligibility requirements:

If you'd like to serve as an advisor for a student organization, please email Rifeta "Fifi" Badic at

Advisor Role & Responsibilities:

The exact role of the advisor should be determined by the advisor and the student organization. This role may vary from organization to organization, based on the organization's needs and goals. The new student leadership of the organization and the advisor should have a conversation early on to determine the role and expectations of the advisor and the advisor's expectations of the students. The advisor should never be considered just a signature in order to receive recognition.

Advisor responsibilities include the following:

  • Advisors should assist the organization with maintaining information and records from semester to semester.

  • Advisors should help with the growth and development of students.

  • Advisors assist students in the development of skills such as time management, problem-solving, delegation, communication, and leadership.

  • Advisors are required to attend student organization orientation along with all authorized representatives (but not necessarily at the same time).

  • Advisors should add to the continuity of the group as members graduate and serve as a liaison between the university and the organization.

  • Advisors can share the history of the organization and explain why past decisions were made to new officers.

  • Advisors will explain university policies and connect students to the appropriate offices for assistance.

  • Advisors should assist in the area of program content and purpose.

  • Advisors will assist in the development of projects, events and activities.