Fitness Center Guidelines


1.   Use proper techniques when using fitness equipment.


2.   Use the exercise machines for their intended use.


3.   Appropriate work out attire required. Shirts and shoes must be worn at all times.


4.   Lockers for personal items are available next to the cardio equipment and in the shower area of the bathrooms on the first floor of this building (Founders Hall).


5.   Re-rack all free weights after use.


6.   Do not drop weights on floor.


7.   Be courteous to other users and limit all equipment use to 30 minutes during busy hours.


8.   Wipe off equipment after use.


9.   No food allowed.


10.  Staff reserves the right to remove individuals for violation of the fitness center rules and policies. Violations can result in your membership being suspended or terminated.


11.  Return all equipment to proper storage place after use.


12.  Before beginning any exercise program, consult your physician. Stop exercising if you feel pain, short of breath, or dizzy.