Greek Events

Meet the Greeks: Each semester, we host this event for UNT Dallas students to meet members of the Greek community, learn about recruitment and membership intake, and get information about upcoming events. This program is a great opportunity to meet chapter members and ask any questions about what fraternities and sororities at UNT Dallas.  

  • Fall 2017 Meet the Greeks: Tuesday, August 22nd 4-6PM, Basketball Courts

  • Spring 2018: Meet the Greeks: Wednesday, January 17th, FH 138 6-8PM

Greek Yard Show: Every year, we host an event called the Greek Yard Show to showcase the different styles and traditions of stepping, strolling, and saluting performances of fraternities and sororities. The purpose of this event is to show the campus and community the pride members of fraternities and sororities have for their organizations. It is a competition for two prizes; Best-in-Show and Audience Favorite. This event is held in the spring semester.

  • Spring 2018: Thursday, April 12th at 6PM, Basketball Courts

Greek Standards & Leadership Summit: Annually, collegiate/undergraduate and alumni of UNT Dallas chapters are invited to discuss current issues of the fraternity/sorority world and how that affects UNT Dallas. During this summit, representatives will reflect of the values and purpose of their organizations and the United Greek Council at UNT Dallas. The purpose of this event is to reconnect the community before they begin a new semester/year. This summit is designed to bring leaders together, create a common understanding of the values and purpose of the community, and ensure that the future leaders in the Greek community are prepared with the appropriate resources to succeed.

  • Summer 2018: Date TBD