Reporting a Crime

Individuals should immediately report alleged criminal actions (including sex offenses) or emergencies that occur on or off campus of the University through any of the following means:

For Emergencies:

Dial 911 on campus, or any emergency telephone located throughout the campus. Emergencies include any crime in progress, medical emergencies, a person being forced into a vehicle, a strange car repeatedly driving in the same area of campus, any intoxicated person, a safety hazard, or any situation that you believe is suspicious or dangerous. Individuals with hearing impairments should dial (800) RELAY TX (TTY).

For Non-Emergencies:

  • call campus police at (972) 780-3000 or personally visit the UNT Dallas police offices located in Founder's Hall (DAL 2); 
  • use a marked emergency telephone in locations throughout the campus (the phones are distinguished by a blue light on a tall pole marked “Emergency”); 
  • contact an officer in uniform on patrol;
  • request that any campus official assist with reporting the alleged crime; 
  • TTY callers: (800) RELAY TX 

Campus Crime Authority

You are encouraged to report alleged crimes by using the above means; however, there are campus officials to whom you may also report a crime who have significant responsibility for student and campus activities, but do not have significant counseling responsibilities. These officials include all deans, directors, department chairs, and administrators at the Associate Provost level or higher. For names and numbers of such officials, please use the University Directory or call the University operator at (972) 780-3600.

Campus police will review reports of alleged criminal activity and either send an officer immediately or refer the report for subsequent investigation, depending upon the nature and seriousness of the offense involved. Individuals reporting an alleged crime should attempt to preserve evidence that might prove the crime was committed. All criminal incidents are investigated by campus police. Campus police response(s) include, but are not limited to:

  • immediate response to emergencies through dispatch of one or more officers; 
  • investigation of reports in accordance with procedures; 
  • arrest and filing of charges, depending upon the circumstances of the incident; 
  • referring alleged offenders to appropriate campus agencies, such as the Office of Student Life & Success; and 
  • making timely warning and reports of crimes that represent a continuing threat to students and employees. 

Anonymous Reporting

University of North Texas at Dallas

Anonymous Report Form for Sexual Assault and Misconduct


UNT Dallas defines sexual assault, dating violence and stalking in the following ways:

What is sexual assault?

Sexual contact or intercourse with a person without the person's consent, including sexual contact or intercourse against the person's will or in a circumstance in which the person is incapable of consenting to the contact or intercourse.

Sexual Harassment. Unwelcome, sex-based verbal or physical conduct that:

  1. in the employment context, unreasonably interferes with a person's work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment; or
  2. in the education context, is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive that the conduct interferes with a student's ability to participate in or benefit from educational programs or activities at a postsecondary educational institution.

Sexual Misconduct. Conduct including sexual harassment, sexual exploitation, and/or sexual violence

Consent. Words or actions that show an active, knowing and voluntary agreement to engage in sexual activity. Consent cannot be gained by force, coercion, manipulation, threats, or taking advantage of the incapacitation of another when the individual knows or reasonably should know of such incapacity by use of alcohol or drugs. Consent is absent when the activity in question exceeds the scope of previously given consent, or the person is unconscious or otherwise unaware that the prohibited conduct is occurring. Consent may be revoked at any time. 

What is Dating Violence?

Abuse or violence, or a threat of abuse or violence, against a person with whom the actor has or has had a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature.

Dating violence includes: physical abuse/assault; emotional abuse; verbal abuse; financial abuse and; sexual abuse

What is Stalking?

A course of conduct directed at a person that would cause a reasonable person to fear for the person's safety or to suffer substantial emotional distress.

Stalking behaviors can include, but are not limited to: damage to victim’s property; repeatedly following the victim to class; repeating behaviors that would cause a victim to feel fearful, threatened, or harassed; obsessive attempts at communication via telephone, email, social media, etc.

Who should complete this form?

Any faculty, staff, or student having knowledge of reasonable suspicion that an incident of sexual assault, dating violence, and or stalking has taken place. *Reporters and survivors may request to remain anonymous, however the University still wants to be notified of any incidents of sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking.

Why should I fill out this form?

The information will be used to help enhance the understanding of the climate within the campus community pertaining to such concerns so that we may strengthen education and prevention efforts on sexual assault, dating violence, and domestic violence. Statistical data will also be collected from the information provided. Survivors may also use the form to request support.

What happens to the information provided?

In addition to tracking sexual assaults, UNT Dallas has a federal obligation to investigate complaints regarding sexual assault, and take immediate action including procedural steps to reasonably end the behavior and prevent the behavior from reoccurring. UNT Dallas will make a concerted effort to ensure that Anonymous Reporters will remain anonymous and that identifying information will be provided to third parties during the investigation, unless such accommodation hinders the completion of the full investigation.

PLEASE BE AWARE: Completing this form does not constitute a police report or a student conduct report. To file a formal complaint please contact the Office of the Dean of Students at (972)-338-1775 or email, the UNT Dallas Police Department at, or call UNT Dallas Police Dispatch at (972)-780-3000, or email the Equal Employment Opportunity Office at, or call (817)-735-0614.

What if I would like to speak with a person?

To speak with someone about the incident, contact the UNT Dallas Title IX Coordinator at 972-338-1814, the Office of Counseling and Wellness Services at 972-338-1779, the Office of the Dean of Students at 972-338-1775, the UNT Dallas Police Department at 972-780-3000, or the Equal Employment Opportunity Office at 817-735-0614.

**Any information contained in this completed form will remain confidential, unless applicable federal and state laws require certain disclosures.

Timely Warning

UNT Dallas provides timely warning to the campus community by posting crime awareness alerts when a crime is considered to represent a continuing threat to students or employees.

Based on the circumstances of the crime alert, bulletins are sent to campus and local newspapers, posted on campus bulletin boards or other appropriate locations, and sent out on campus e-mail and through the Jaguar Alert System (if deemed appropriate by authorized officials).