Are you prepared to take an online course at UNT Dallas? Take this Self-Assessment Quiz to see if online courses are right for you!

This assessment is designed to provide you with information about your possible success in an online course. For each question, select the answer that best matches your abilities.

Self-Assessment Survey

The following survey will assess how successful you may be at a distance education course.
Select an answer for each question. Take your time and answer questions honestly! Your results will not benefit anyone but you!

1. My need to take this course now is:

a. High: I need it immediately for a specific goal.
b. Moderate: I could take it on campus later or substitute another course.
c. Low: It could be postponed.

2. Feeling that I am part of a class is:

a. Not particularly necessary to me.
b. Somewhat important to me.
c. Very important to me.

3. I would classify myself as someone who:

a. Often gets things done ahead of time.
b. Needs reminding to get things done on time.
c. Puts things off until the last minute or doesn't complete them.

4. Classroom discussion is:

a. Rarely helpful to me.
b. Sometimes helpful to me.
c. Almost always helpful to me.

5. When an instructor hands out directions for an assignment, I prefer:

a. Figuring out the instructions myself.
b. Trying to follow the directions on my own, then asking for help as needed.
c. Having the instructions explained to me.

6. I need faculty comments on my assignments:

a. Within a few weeks, so I can review what I did.
b. Within a few days, or I forget what I did.
c. Right away, or I get very frustrated.

7. Considering my professional and personal schedule, the amount of time I have to work on a distance-learning course is:

a. More than enough for an on-campus course.
b. The same as for a class held on campus.
c. Less than for a class held on campus.

8. Coming to campus on a regular schedule is:

a. Extremely difficult for me – I have commitments (work, family or personal) during times when classes are offered.
b. A little difficult, but I can rearrange my priorities to allow for regular attendance on campus.
c. Easy for me.

9. As a reader, I would classify myself as:

a. Good – I usually understand the text without help.
b. Average – I sometimes need help to understand the text.
c. Slower than average.

10. When I need help understanding the subject:

a. I am comfortable approaching an instructor to ask for clarification.
b. I am uncomfortable approaching an instructor, but do it anyway.
c. I never approach an instructor to admit I don't understand something.

Explanation of Scoring

3 points are scored for each "a" that you select, 2 for each "b," and 1 for each "c." A score of 20 points or more, indicates that there is a high possibility you would be successful at a distance-learning course. A score between 11 and 20, indicates that a distance-learning courses may work for you, but you may need to make a few adjustments in your schedule and study habits to succeed. A score of 10 or less, strongly suggest that distance learning may not currently be the best alternative for you.


General Explanations of Questions

  1. Distance-learning students sometimes neglect their courses because of personal or professional circumstances. Having a compelling reason for taking the course helps motivate the student to stick with the course.
  2. Some students prefer the independence of Distance Learning; others find the independence uncomfortable and miss being part of the classroom experience.
  3. Distance-learning courses give students greater freedom of scheduling, but they can require more self-discipline than on-campus classes.
  4. Some people learn best by interacting with other students and instructors. Others learn better by listening, reading and reviewing on their own. Distance-learning courses provide less opportunity for group interaction than most on-campus courses.
  5. Distance Learning requires you to work from written directions.
  6. It may take more than week to get comments back from your instructor in distance-learning classes.
  7. Distance Learning requires at least as much time as on-campus courses. Students surveyed say that distance-learning courses are as hard or harder than on campus courses.
  8. Most people who are successful with Distance Learning find it difficult to come to campus on a regular basis because of their work, family or personal schedules.
  9. Print materials are the primary source of directions and information in distance-learning courses.
  10. Students who do well in distance-learning courses are usually comfortable contacting the instructor as soon as they need help with the course.