Distance learning allows us to bring educational opportunities to you. This type of learning is especially beneficial to students who live far away from campus, have busy work schedules, family demands, and other commitments. Online courses are also an excellent option for students who prefer to work independently at any time of day.

How It Works

Students taking online courses will utilize the eCampus E-Learning Platform, also knowns as Blackboard Learn or just Blackboard. Online courses are taught using a combination of instructional technologies which will vary for each course: PowerPoint presentations, video tutorials, learning activities on the Web, discussion board, and research using the Library or the Web.

Online learning is not for everyone and only you can make the right decision for yourself. Please use the following tools to help you identify the chances of having a successful online learning experience.


Orientation: Are you new to UNT Dallas? Want to get started online?

Our eCampus is an online learning environment that your instructor customizes to make materials for your class available on the web. Your instructor may use this platform to post online quizzes, give assignments, make lecture notes available, record your grades online, post links to related websites, maintain a course calendar, distribute announcements, and much more.

Please watch the following video that will introduce you to Online education and will help you learn more about the eCampus and the Student Blackboard Helpdesk at UNT Dallas. [7m 43s].

Intro to Distance Education at UNTD

The Office of Distance Learning and Instructional Technologies offers General Blackboard Orientation sessions each semester.

All first-time online students at UNTD are encouraged to take a tour of what an online course at UNT Dallas looks like. And remember that instructors delivering courses via the Internet will provide students with course specific information posted to the course site itself.


Blackboard Tools to enhance your Distance Learning experience:


  • Discussion Boards - These include discussion forums where students can create threads, respond to each other, or respond to an instructor prompt. 
  • Blogs - The term blog comes from the consolidation of "web log".  This is a public log or journal that other students and the instructor can comment on.
  • Journals - In Blackboard, this is a private version of the Blog tool.  This can be used for reflection, responses, or clarifications between the student and instructor.
  • Wikis - Wikis are collaborative pages where students can access and manipulate group work remotely.
  • Groups - Blackboard allows a separate section for specific groups to communicate and collaborate in.  Individual groups can utilize many of the above tools including, group blogs, discussion boards, and wikis.