• Do online courses begin and end on different dates than regular on-campus courses?
    No: Online courses start and end on the same dates as traditional courses.


  • Do online courses have a final exam, just like regular on-campus courses?
    Maybe: During the week of final exams, your online instructor will let you know if you will be taking an exam online or submitting a final paper.


  • Can I submit my work whenever I am ready?
    No: Online courses have weekly schedules and due dates for readings, postings, and tests. Your instructor will let you know what to do each week, and you will have to submit work on a regular, weekly basis, just like a class held on campus.


  • Do I have to be online at the same time as everyone else in class?
    Maybe: Some online instructors use the live chat function of Blackboard Learn to hold office hours or conduct live chats online. Your instructor will make you aware of any requirement to be online at a certain date and time.
  • Are online courses easier than on-campus courses?
    No: The content of online courses is identical to that of on-campus classes. In fact, they require more discipline because students have to read the material by themselves and keep up with the coursework and writing.
  • Does it take a certain type of student to do well in an online course?
    Yes! Online learning is not for everyone. We know from research that students who are independent learners, highly motivated, disciplined, and good time managers perform well in an online course.
  • Can I check my online courses whenever I want to?
    No: Class participation is crucial to success online. Threaded e-mail discussions are the heart of the course and the main way everyone communicates. Participation requirements will vary from course to course, but your instructor will let you know how often to be online and what you need to do in order to meet participation requirements.
  • Do I need to have a computer background to take an online course?
    No: Successful online students need to be able to perform the following tasks comfortably: 
    • Send and receive e-mails
    • Send and open e-mail attachments (Word files)
    • Use Microsoft Word
    • Manage files in Word
    • Function in online library databases
    • Perform basic research on the Internet
    • Be able to use a browser, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla's Firefox or Microsoft Internet Explorer

Technical Questions

  • What are the minimum technical requirements?
    Online courses may be conducted using a range of software applications including Blackboard Learn (a Learning Management System). 
    Recommended web browsers:  Google Chrome, Internet Explorer 9.0 or Firefox.
    Software required for viewing multimedia resources:  Flash and Java
    Speakers required to head multi-media content
    PDF reader required for viewing articles
    The Requirements for Blackboard Learn can be found on the Web site: https://help.blackboard.com/en-us/Learn/9.1_SP_12_and_SP_13/Student/030_Browser_Support/040_Browser_Support_for_SP_13
  • How do I access the online course?
    Access to UNT Dallas hybrid/online courses will be made available once your registration has been processed. Each participant must have Internet access.

Who to Contact:

  • Course Related Problems
    You should contact your course instructor for any problems, which are course related - i.e., problems finding course material and resources in the Blackboard course web site. Instructors organize their Blackboard sites differently and choose different settings. It's a good idea to ask your instructors because often the answer is specific to the way they are doing things. It's also important for your instructors to know if you're having a technical problem that may affect your ability to do your assignments.
  • Platform Related Problems
    If you are experiencing any trouble with Blackboard please contact the UNTD Distance Learning Student Support at 972-338-5580 or by sending an email to UNTDDistance@unt.eduPlease be sure to give or enter the following information in your issue ticket: Complete name, Email address, Student id, Operating System of your computer, Web Browser you are using (Name and version), Course id, Course Name and Area of problem. Be sure to give a full and detail description of your issue and include the steps to repeat it at our end. It's important to be as specific as possible so we can determine the problem.


Not finding what you are looking for? Send an e-mail to UNTDDistance@unt.edu with your question!