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    What job seekers are saying...
    "We recently moved from California to Rhode Island. One of our new neighbors told me to look for school district work on SchoolSpring.com. I did not have any clue how to get started finding a school job in my new state. I found a library job at Portsmouth High School posted and I applied. The website is very user-friendly and very up to date. Thank you for your help finding a job. I am very happy at my new school."
    Earlier today from Jacqueline K. in Bristol, RI
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    About SchoolSpring.com
    Reader's Choic - Top 100 Products of 2008SchoolSpring.com is an easy, dynamic, and effective way for new and experienced educators to apply for teaching jobs today...and it's FREE! What makes SchoolSpring.com unique is that we scour the web for job postings from around the country and bring them together in one easy search. This saves job seekers the time of searching for jobs on dozens of state and other teaching job web sites. Job seekers can sign up to receive free email alerts when new jobs are posted and apply online to jobs posted directly on the SchoolSpring Network. SchoolSpring makes the application process easier by providing a common application - fill out your information once, submit your transcripts and reference letters once, and apply to many employers, only needing to answer specific employer questions when requested! Learn more

    Online Applicant Tracking for Employers
    Are you ready for paperless recruiting? SchoolSpring offers you the tools you need to manage your hiring from job posting to job offer. Manage jobs, applicants, applicant evaluations, interview team members, interview schedules, and candidate searches to save time and money. Screening committees review applicants and collaborate online with comments, evaluations, and ratings of applicants. Reference letters and official transcripts are submitted online and automatically attached to applications. Online interview scheduling eliminates "phone tag." In addition, SchoolSpring actively recruits on behalf of employers at job fairs, college campuses and through both online and print advertising. Learn more

    Free Services for College Career Offices
    SchoolSpring offers college career counselors free access to the SchoolSpring system so that you can help your students find and be hired for the best teaching jobs. SchoolSpring allows you to work closely with your education students to counsel and advise them on developing their résumés, cover letters, managing their letters of recommendation, transcripts, test scores, and state certification details---all key parts to the application process for teaching jobs. If you're a career counselor or director, contact us to learn more and help your education students succeed!

    Executive Search
    Superintendents, Assistant Superintendents, HR Directors and other district administrators can quickly find information about administrative jobs nationwide using the SchoolSpring.com Executive Search. Find executive-level jobs now!

    SchoolSpring Plus+
    SchoolSpring Plus is a ground-breaking service that allows you to apply online for any job, anywhere in the world. Once you've completed your online portfolio, we'll transmit professionally-formatted application packages to any employers you want, whether or not their jobs are listed on SchoolSpring! Learn more