Lá Fhéile Pádraig Sona Daoibh! Celebrate Irish-American Culture Today and Throughout the Month of March

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Every year since 1991, the President of the United States has issued a proclamation declaring the month of March to be Irish-American Heritage Month, honoring the contributions of Irish immigrants and their descendants to American life and culture. Here are just a few government publications to help you celebrate Irish-American culture: Literature Four Dubliners—Wilde, Yeats,… Read more »

Spring Forward During Spring Break This Sunday

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This Sunday, March 9, most of the population of the United States will perform the annual chore of setting their time-keeping devices forward by one hour, as we enter the seemingly ever-lengthening portion of the year referred to as Daylight Saving Time—surely an ironic term for the many students who will lose one precious hour… Read more »