
As a Sculpture student in the Studio Art program, you will get a great deal of hands-on experience in your classes. There are opportunities for showing your work on campus or at local galleries. In addition, UNT is within easy commuting distance of Dallas and Fort Worth, where major art museums and galleries provide valuable resources and experiences for UNT students.

You will take courses in art appreciation, art history, design and drawing, as well as courses in the sculpture area. You will have access to large, well-equipped studios and instruction in a wide range of materials and techniques. Sculpture students spend a lot of time in studio art classes creating original works, studying all aspects of 3-D art and examining different media in which to work.

The sculpture faculty at UNT are practicing and accomplished artists who maintain private studios and work professionally in addition to teaching. Among our alumni is Jesús Moroles, a renowned granite sculptor and National Medal of Arts recipient.

The 90,000-square-foot Art Building includes classrooms, a computer lab, faculty offices, studios, a workshop, the UNT Art Gallery and a visual resources library. The school also has a foundry, as well as indoor and outdoor studio space for stone sculpting, woodcarving, welding and casting. 2 other campus buildings, Scoular Hall and Oak Street Hall, house additional classrooms and laboratories, as well as the Texas Fashion Collection and the Cora Stafford Art Gallery.

Sculptors often are self-employed artists, showing and selling their works in museums and galleries and doing commissions for both public and private entities. The major in sculpture prepares you for such a career as well as preparing you for an advanced degree, should you consider teaching at the college or university level.

Visit the Studio Arts Department groups on Facebook: UNT Studio Art: Current and Former and UNT Department of Studio Art. Also, you can find more information by visiting UNT Sculpture on Facebook.

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Student accomplishments

Kyle Mitchell

Studio Art

Studio Art

Alumni accomplishments

Emily Charette

Communication Design

Communication Design