Coffee and Cookies SLAB finals event recap

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The second of our two 2016 finals events was Coffee and Cookies.  Volunteers included the advisors and members of the Student Library Advisory Boards (SLAB),This year, the event was co-sponsored by the UNT Graduate Student Council (GSC)  who, coordinated by Graduate SLAB member Giselle, provided a couple of volunteers, granola bars and GSC branded supplies…. Read more »

Paws and Relax SLAB finals event recap

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The first of our two 2016 finals events was Paws and Relax pet therapy dogs courtesy of Paws Across Texas. The event was sponsored by the Student Library Advisory Boards (SLAB), and volunteers included the advisors and members of the boards. We not only had hundreds of students stop by, but saw UNT faculty and… Read more »