Welcome to Public Administration

Founded in 1992, the Department of Public Administration is located in the College of Health and Public Service. The department's three programs predate its founding, however.  The master of public administration traces its origins to 1961 where its predecessor was established in the Department of Political Science. The PhD program began in the 1970s as a specialization in political science. In 2004, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating board approved moving the specialization to the Department of Public Administration as a stand-alone degree.

Today the department's ten faculty and five professional staff serve more than 350 majors in these three programs. Student-centered education is a hallmark of this dedicated faculty who take personal interest in every student's progress from the first day they enter and beyond graduation to their professional career. Our commitment to student-centeredness also includes the services of an internship coordinator who assists the MPA majors in securing a quality internship, then monitors the students' progress throughout the internship appointment.

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