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I just listened to 4 amazing foster alumni from PUSH at CASA! You are all amazing.
PUSH is AMAZING, there should be programs on all college campuses to encourage foster care alumni to... reach their dreams! See More
Yesterday at Mean Green Fling PUSH participated in the #ALSIceBucketChallenge and we will also be making a donation. Mean Green Fling was a great way to kick off an exciting new school year! PUSH also nominates VP Jose Whitten Jamie Piper Dr. Brenda McCoy Brenda Sweeten. Donate to ALS & Donate to Push!
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UNT Advancement

Each year in Texas, approximately 1,400 youth age out of the foster care system. Discover how PUSH (Persevere UNTil Success Happens) helps foster care alumni at #UNT soar, and how you can contribute to support their success:

We had a great morning volunteering at the Denton County Rotary Club Adoption Party introducing kids eligible for adoption with prospective adoptive parents! #rotaryloveskids #PUSHloveskidstoo 💛💙💚