A green light to greatness.®

Tribe Writers

2018 contest information, entry forms, are now updated and online!

2018 contest information is now online. See details and entry forms for the Best American Newspaper Narratives contest, the Mayborn Fellowship in Biography, the Young Spurs essay contest, the Mayborn's book manuscript contest, and the Ten Spurs contest (which seeks both personal essay and reported narrative entries) on this website.

Deadlines (and links to the different contest pages) are as follows:

The Power of Words

Even in a world where pictures, videos and sounds are creating buzz through social media platforms, it is the power of words, the ability to craft a narrative and tell a story that provides the context, the depth and understanding that helps inform and engage us.

Where Are They Now?

In the 12 years since The Mayborn Literary Nonfiction Conference made its debut, we’ve seen quite a few faces come and go. Here’s what some of the members of “the tribe” have been up to since they last graced our summer stage.
