Senior Design Poster Guidelines


Acknowledgement: Ms. Erin Allice at the Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering for creating this senior design poster template

Please adhere to the following guidelines when completing your poster:



Only use two types of fonts max. An option would be one type for titles/headlines and one for body text.

Please choose from approved fonts: 

Century Gothic
Franklin Gothic
Myriad Pro



Limit the amount of text; be concise. You want the information to be informative but not overwhelming to the reader. 

Be mindful of font size; you do not want your paragraphs to be too small to read.


Poster Dimensions:

Poster size must be 35.5 inches high x 47 inches wide.


UNT Branding + Logos:

You must use the UNT/BMEN Department logo:

BMEN logo – Black
BMEN logo – Green


Powerpoint Templates:

2 Box Ver 1 (.pptx)
3 box Ver 1 (.pptx)
3 Box Ver 2 (.pptx)
3 Box Ver 3 (.pptx)
5 Box Ver 1 (.pptx)
5 Box Ver 2 (.pptx)
5 Box Ver 3 (.pptx)
6 box Ver 1 (.pptx)
6 box Ver 2 (.pptx)
6 box Ver 3 (.pptx)
6 box Ver 4 (.pptx)
6 box Ver 5 (.pptx)



Use high quality images, preferably in .jpg format. 300 dpi is recommended for the best quality.


Grammar and Spell Check:

Review your poster for any grammar and spelling errors. Potential employers will be viewing your posters on Design Day.

Free grammar and spell check services: 

Hemingway Editor


Poster Colors:

Please make your posters look as professional as possible. Remember that potential employers will be viewing your posters on Design Day. 

No dark backgrounds
Avoid using neon colors
Make sure that your font colors and your background colors do not clash
If using PowerPoint, avoid using transparencies; It will cause problems at the printers.

You can use Paletton for assistance with picking color schemes.



Include sponsor logos and/or mentor names somewhere on the poster.


Copyrighted Material:

Ensure your images are not copyrighted, and you have the rights to use them.

You can refer to the UNT Copyright Guide for more information.


Sending Poster to Print:

Prior to printing, all posters must be submitted for review to Dr. Vijay Vaidyanathan or Dr. Logan Porter.