Welcome to the Center for Public Management

Established in 1992 as the professional development arm of the Department of Public Administration, the mission of the Center for Public Management (CPM) is to promote excellence and efficiency in public and nonprofit organizations.

To this end, four goals have guided CPM since its inception:

1. Establish and maintain relationships with agencies in local, state, and federal government that would benefit from CPM’s technical and training assistance.

2. Establish and maintain cooperative relationships with professional associations that serve managers in public and nonprofit organizations.

3. Establish and maintain cooperative relationships with other UNT centers and institutes that share an interest in serving public and nonprofit organizations.

4. Provide research and training opportunities to UNT faculty and graduate students.

Thank you for your patience with our "work in progress" site. We're working as quickly as we can to provide you with full functionality. Also, April has been a challenging month for us, our office building flooded (April 20) so we are currently displaced without access to many of our systems. We hope to be back in business by the end of the month. Please email us or call and leave a voicemail if you need any assistance.

The programs and services offered by CPM directly support UNT’s mission to assume a primary leadership role in addressing community needs of the region and the state. CPM contributes to UNT's effort to cultivate partnerships with educational institutions at all levels, government agencies, businesses, and nonprofit organizations to improve the quality of education and serve as a source for lifelong learning and professional education.

Current Courses

  • June 6-7, 2018

    Registration Deadline: 
    Wednesday, May 30, 2018 - 9:00am
    Registration Begins: 
    Tuesday, April 3, 2018 - 9:00am