Support the Math Department! | Department of Mathematics

Support the Math Department!

Contributions and Donations

Gifts to the mathematics department are always greatly appreciated. One of our greatest needs is expanding the amount of scholarship assistance we can give to our students.

Click here to make a tax deductible contribution online. To make a donation to Mathematics, search for "Mathematics" or one of the specific funds described below. For other methods of giving, see the development office website or you may send a check made out to the UNT Foundation to the following address:

Department of Mathematics
University of North Texas
1155 Union Circle #311430
Denton, TX 76203-5017

In the memo line of the check, please designate one of the mathematics funds described below or write: "unrestricted gift to the mathematics department."

If you would like to discuss possibilities for larger contributions, please contact the mathematics department chair at

Gift Suggestions

John Ed Allen Mathematics Scholarship Fund

In June 1999, Dr. John Ed Allen stepped down as Chair of the Mathematics Department after serving 23 years in that position. Throughout his tenure as chair, the department grew from a small one that focused on undergraduate education and a master's program to a comprehensive research department with strong programs at the undergraduate through Ph.D. levels. At the time Dr. Allen stepped down, he had hired all but two of the current Mathematics Department Faculty.

While Chair, Dr. Allen particularly enjoyed working with the graduate students. He served both as Chair and Graduate Advisor. Although this took a tremendous amount of time, Dr. Allen found his interaction with the graduate students to be productive for the students and rewarding for him. Over the years, both graduate students and undergraduate students have appreciated his gentle advice and kind help.

Math faculty members and graduate students contributed most of the money in the fund. You are welcome to become involved in this opportunity to honor Dr. Allen's contribution to mathematics at UNT and help UNT mathematics majors and graduate students.

Dan Mauldin Endowment for Student Excellence

Professor R. Daniel Mauldin came to UNT (then North Texas State University) in 1977, became full professor in 1979, Regents professor in 1988, and is now Professor Emeritus. Professor Mauldin supervised seventeen Ph.D. students over his career at UNT. The Dan Mauldin Endowment is in recognition of Professor Mauldin's long service and generosity towards the department. Contributions to the Mauldin Endowment provide scholarship support for undergraduate and graduate students studying mathematics.

Ram Lal Seekri Endowed Scholarship for Undergraduate Studies

This scholarship endowment honors Ram Lal Seekri, who was a mathematics teacher in the Punjab State of India and devoted his life to mathematics education. The endowment was created in 2016 with a generous contribution to UNT from Mr. Raj P. Seekri and Mrs. Raj K. Seekri in honor of Ram Lal Seekri, Mr. Seekri's father. Like his father, Mr. Seekri, a long-time member of the mathematics faculty at Richland College, loves to teach mathematics. Ram Lal Seekri changed the face of education in the community where he lived, and in honor of that legacy, the Seekri family has endowed scholarship funds at Richland College, at UT Dallas, at Ball State, and now at UNT.

Additional donations to the Ram Lal Seekri scholarship endowment will further the support that can be provided to UNT mathematics majors.

The David F. Dawson Endowment for Student Excellence

Thanks to a generous founding gift by Catherine Dawson, the David F. Dawson Endowment for Student Excellence provides scholarships for high performing mathematics majors, with preference given to mathematics majors who are also members of the Honors College.

Dr. David F. Dawson was a mathematics professor at UNT dedicated to supporting UNT students' efforts and believed in the mission of the UNT Mathematics Department.

Additional donations to the Dawson Endowment will help the department provide scholarship support to talented mathematics majors at UNT.

Roger L. Perry Memorial Scholarship Fund

Roger L. Perry was a dedicated mathematics teacher who was educated at UNT. After his death, his wife and daughter set up a scholarship to honor Mr. Perry's long service of teaching mathematics. The scholarship committee gives preference to applicants who intend to pursue a career of teaching mathematics.

Did you have a favorite mathematics teacher when you were in school? You are welcome to contribute to the Roger L. Perry fund in honor of your teacher. The contribution will not only acknowledge your teacher's dedication, but it will help future mathematics teachers with their education at UNT.

John W. Neuberger Mathematics Scholarship Fund

Professor John W. Neuberger joined the mathematics faculty at UNT in 1977. A popular mentor among graduate students, Professor Neuberger supervised thirteen Ph.D. dissertations at UNT (and 16 more before coming to UNT). The Neuberger mathematics scholarships are in recognition of Professor Neuberger's long service and generosity towards the department. Contributions to the Neuberger Mathematics Scholarship fund help support graduate students pursuing advanced research in areas of mathematics close to Professor Neuberger's mathematical interests.

E. H. Hanson Mathematics Scholarship Fund

Professor E. H. Hanson was another long-serving chair of the mathematics department. With the exception of three years of service in the Naval Reserves during World War II, Professor Hanson was chair of the mathematics department at North Texas State University from 1935 to 1957. Dr. Hanson is credited with initiating acquisitions by the university of books and journals in mathematics. This began a library collection in the mathematical sciences that is regarded as one of the finest in the nation. Contributions to the Hanson Mathematics Scholarship Fund provide vital assistance to undergraduate mathematics majors.

Mildred Masters McCarty Mathematics Scholarship Fund

Mildred Masters McCarty was a Denton resident that had a long interest in North Texas State University. She endowed several scholarship funds that continue to benefit UNT students today. Further contributions to the Mildred Masters McCarty Mathematics Scholarship fund will allow us to increase the number of mathematics majors at UNT with scholarship support.

Roy McLeod Millican Memorial Fund

Mr. Olin Moore Millican (1904-1999) established the Roy McLeod Millican Memorial Fund (an endowment) in honor of his brother. This fund is used to bring prominent mathematicians from around the world to share the latest progress in mathematics in a wide variety of fields with UNT students and faculty in our Millican Colloquium. The generosity of the Millican family has been a profound help to the research mission of the department. Further contributions to the Millican endowment help us ensure that UNT mathematics students are exposed to excellent mathematics being done all around the region, nation, and world.

Unrestricted Gifts to the Mathematics Department

Of course unrestricted gifts to the mathematics department are always greatly appreciated. Unrestricted gifts give the current department chair the greatest flexibility to put your contribution toward the greatest immediate needs of the department.

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