
Panopto is a lecture capture tool that allows for an enhanced student learning experience and increased instructional efficiency. Record your screen, audio, and video content in the classroom or from your desktop, laptop, or iOS device. Content is easily uploaded to your Blackboard course. Students can pause, search, review, and add notes to lectures based on their individual learning needs.

To see what UNT faculty are doing with Panopto, check out our Testimonials page.

Getting Started

To get started, fill in this survey with your information. You will be asked for contact information, course section information, and expected recording locations. You will also be able to schedule your Panopto introduction. The information you provide will allow us to determine any equipment requirements or additional IT support you may need to use the system successfully wherever you are.

Resources from Panopto

Accessibility Information

Panopto offers accessibility features that allows users to easily navigate and read the Panopto web interface. The web interface supports screen readers for all available creator and viewer interfaces. The web interface also support keyboard access, allowing you to use the tab key to access all available functions. All sessions fully support adding and displaying captions.

UNT campuses are required by policy and law to ensure that their websites, instructional materials and electronic and information technology products and services are accessible to individuals with disabilities. Many of these resources, e.g., multimedia and video, require captioning to be considered accessible. The following is our UNT Panopto User Agreement:

Your use of Panopto to create recordings indicates you understand and agree that captioning is required under the following circumstances.

1. An accommodation is requested from a student, staff member, or other person who requires captioning.
2. The multimedia will be shared multiple times and/or over an extended period of time.
3. The multimedia is reused in new courses and newly revised segments of existing courses.
4. Multimedia is used in a course for more than one semester.
5. If captioning is required for one semester, the quality must be clear enough to allow equivalent access (defined as the ability to infer the meaning of whole sentences).  Note that at this time, dictation software (e.g., YouTube automatic captioning) is not acceptable due to the tendency for errors, unless manually fixed by the content owner.
6. Multimedia is on a public facing web page (e.g. commencements or other public-facing streamed or recorded events, news and marketing videos).

Training and Support Contact

Kathy Roberts
Instructional Technologies Technical Support, CLEAR
(940) 369-5201