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Specialist in Aging Certificate

The graduate academic certificate, specialist in aging, is designed for health and human service professionals who wish to complement their existing knowledge and skills with an understanding of aging and services for the aged. Faculty of two- and four-year colleges and universities and doctoral candidates in other fields may also find the specialist certificate a valuable adjunct to their academic credentials. The Applied Gerontology Specialist in Aging Certificate Program offers an opportunity to extend multidisciplinary practice to significant issues, problems and concerns facing today’s older populations. 

The Specialist in Aging Certificate requires 15 hours:

  • AGER 5250/5650 - Geriatric Case Management
  • AGER 5600 - Housing 
  • AGER 5710 - Theories & Measures for Health and Wellness
  • AGER 5750 - Processes of Aging
  • AGER 5800 - Grant Writing