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IRB Training and Resources

Required Human Subjects Training

The University of North Texas Institutional Review Board (IRB) requires that all individuals working with human subjects in research complete an instructional program before the IRB will review an application. This policy reflects UNT’s commitment to the protection of the rights and welfare of human subjects in research and incorporates the requirements of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Upon successful completion of either course, a “certificate of completion” may be printed and retained by the researcher.  A copy of the certificate must be submitted to the UNT IRB as part of the researcher’s first human subjects research proposal. Training certification is valid for three years. After three years, researchers must take the “Refresher Course” which is the shorter version of the initial training. This training requirement covers not only Investigators, but also all individuals identified as “key personnel” who are responsible for the design, conduct, and reporting of the study. The Investigator will submit a copy of the CITI completion certificate for each of the “key personnel.”

To register for a Human Subjects Research course through CITI, follow these steps:

1.  Go to https://about.citiprogram.org/en/homepage/

2.  Click the box on the top right that says ‘Register’.

3. Complete Registration Steps 1-7. In Step 1, select “University of North Texas (Denton, TX)” as your “Organization Affiliation”. Step 6 is where you will enter your information specifically related to UNT, such as your institution email address and EUID. It is recommended by CITI that you not use your institutional email as your main point of contact.    

4. In Step 7, “Select Curriculum” page, in Question 3 choose the “Social & Behavioral Research Investigators” course under the Human Subjects Research header. You may also select other courses you wish to view on this page. Then click the ‘Complete Registration’ box at the end of the page.

5. On the following page, click the box ‘Finalize Registration’.

6. The Human Subjects Research course you selected should now appear on your “Main Menu” page as “Social and Behavioral Research-Basic/Refresher”. You may enter the course by clicking on the name and complete at your convenience, re-entering the course as needed. You will receive a “Completion Certificate” upon successful completion of all required modules.
