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Graduate Certificate in Public Relations

The certificate is specifically designed for professional journalists, public relations practitioners, educators, authors, writing instructors, editors and researchers currently working in the media, public relations, advertising or business arena with an interest in or responsibility for public relations.

As traditional news rooms shrink, the field of public relations is enjoying a renaissance due to the ability to bypass traditional media outlets and communicate directly with information consumers via online media. Journalists have always shifted careers from news to public relations but are often lacking in theoretical and strategic thinking skills necessary for success in public relations.

The Graduate Certificate in Public Relations is positioned to aid in making that switch as well as to provide additional education for current PR practitioners wishing to increase their knowledge as they move into management positions. Professionals in other fields (such as advertising, HR and emergency management) who find themselves responsible for public relations will also benefit from obtaining the certificate.

Students will be prepared with the latest academic and professional material, including an overview of the knowledge, skills and abilities required for contemporary practices of public relations. Professionals will complete nine hours of required courses and six hours of electives in the Mayborn Graduate Institute of Journalism. Up to 15 hours will apply toward a master’s degree for those who wish to pursue an advanced degree in journalism.

Please see information regarding gainful employment data.

The Mayborn Graduate Institute is offering five courses in the certificate program that entails periodic seminars, workshops and other gatherings for professionals designed to teach exceptional writing, editing and other skills needed in the ever-evolving world of nonfiction publishing.


To enroll in the Mayborn Graduate Institute’s 15-hour Graduate Certificate in Public Relations, candidates will apply to UNT through the  Toulouse Graduate School website and will send official transcripts demonstrating completion of a bachelor’s degree or a master’s degree. The Graduate Record Examination is not required. Departmental admission requirements include submitting a portfolio of professional work including writing samples following these guidelines. Portfolio not required if candidate has already earned Accreditation in Public Relations (APR) certification. Contact the Graduate Student Coordinator, at 940-565-4564 (mayborngraduateinstitute@unt.edu) for more information.


The courses offered are listed below:


  • JOUR 5040 Media Studies and Theories
  • JOUR 5100 - Case Problems in Public Relations
  • JOUR 5350 - Seminar in Journalism and Mass Communication

And two electives from this list:

  • JOUR 5200 - Public Opinion and Propaganda
  • JOUR 5210 - Race, Gender and the Media: A Methods Approach
  • JOUR 5250 - Quantitative Research
  • JOUR 5260 - Qualitative Researchh
  • JOUR 5310 - Media Ethics
  • JOUR 5320 - New Technologies of Mass Communication
  • JOUR 5330 - Strategic Social Media
  • JOUR 5500 - Integrated Communications
  • JOUR 5520 - Advanced Study in Advertising and Public Relations for Social Good

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The courses will be offered at the UNT campus in Denton, at the UCD campus in downtown Dallas and at various venues in the DFW Metroplex.