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Mayborn Alumni Mentor Network

Click here to view the 2015 Alumni Mentor Pairings

UNT Journalism Alumni: Want to help a student? Be a mentor!

Q: Who will participate?
A: Mentees will be undergraduate students with a passion for journalism, advertising and public relation and interests in a variety of media platforms. First preference will be given to students who are at least sophomores. Mentors are alums of UNT’s journalism program with at least three years of experience who want to share their wisdom with our students, and preferably are working in areas related to the student’s field of study.

Q: How will it work?
A: The project is coordinated by the Dean’s Office in collaboration with our outstanding faculty. advising team and staff. The dean’s office will receive the applications and negotiate the “match” between mentors and mentees. Applications will be available on the UNT journalism website and Facebook page.

Q: If I want to be a mentor, what are the expectations?
A: Mentors will be asked to interact with only one mentee once a month via email, telephone or Skype. You will indicate on your application what you can and/or are willing to do in your mentor role. All mentorship agreements will be finalized in writing (with a letter to each originating from the dean’s office) so both mentor and mentee can operate with clear guidelines. Mentors will be recognized on the UNT journalism website and in the annual report going forward.

Q: How long will a mentorship last?
A: Most will be about a year.

Application for student seeking a mentor: Click here

Application for UNT alum willing to be a mentor: Click here

Please return form by email to Dorothy.Bland@unt.edu by Nov. 15. The next class of mentees and mentors will be notified by Jan. 15 of each year.