TREE: Teaching Resources for Engaged Educators

TREE is for all UNT educators who want to:

  • Maximize their impact on student learning
  • Connect with other educators committed to continuous teaching improvement
  • Document their efforts to improve their teaching practice

What is TREE?

The Teaching Resources for Engaged Educators (TREE) initiative leverages online training modules focused on 11 important teaching proficiencies and is available to anyone with teaching responsibilities at UNT. See the list of initial proficiencies below.

The 11 branches (proficiencies) of TREE

Academic Integrity
“Promoting ethical classroom behavior”
“Measuring student learning”
Classroom Teaching
“Facilitating effective learning experiences”
Course Design
“Planning effective learning environments”
Engaged Learning
“Motivating students through interaction”
Experiential Learning
“Learning by doing”
Learner-Centered Teaching
“Fostering student-ownership of learning”
Online Course Design
“Planning effective online learning environments”
Online Teaching
“Facilitating effective online learning experiences”
Student Learning
“Understanding how students’ brains work”
Teaching with Technology
“Integrating effective instructional tools”

How does TREE work?

The online training modules allow you to move at your own pace through each of three levels (introductory, intermediate, and advanced) in each proficiency. Each level of a proficiency must be successfully completed before advancing to the next level.

  • The introductory level establishes awareness of the proficiency, relies on objective assessment, and can be completed in under an hour. 
  • The intermediate level builds a deeper understanding of the proficiency, includes some application and feedback, and can be completed in 3-5 hours. 
  • The advanced level requires you to demonstrate mastery of the proficiency, provides you with feedback on a teaching activity or product, and can be completed in 8-10 hours. 
  • You will receive badges for completing each module and a Certificate of Accomplishment once you have successfully completed all three levels of a proficiency. 

What is expected of you?

  • To be a self-directed learner open to feedback and improvement
  • To be invested in improving your understanding of teaching and learning
  • To commit the time to complete the activities for each module

What are the dates for participation?

You may enroll and begin taking the introductory modules at any time after reading the "Start Here" section. Intermediate and Advanced modules are automatically released when you complete the requirements for each level.

What is the cost & how do I register?

  • There is no cost to you.
  • UNT Instructors have a self-enrollment link on the "My Institutions" tab in Blackboard.  If you do not see a TREE self-enrollment link on Blackboard and wish to enroll, please contact