Psychology Department Undergraduate Scholarships and Awards | Department of Psychology

Psychology Department Undergraduate Scholarships and Awards

-Applications are currently open-

Each year the Psychology Department recognizes undergraduate students who demonstrate academic excellence and contributions to the department and university. Only students who are currently enrolled in the Psychology undergraduate program are eligible to apply. The availability and amount of each award is determined annually.

To read about recent award winners, visit the Psychology News and Events tab on our website:


  1. Students must be a student in good standing in the Department of Psychology at the time of application.
  2. Students must be currently enrolled at UNT.
  3. Each award and scholarship (listed below) has its own set of eligibility criteria. Be sure you meet all of the requirements for each award you apply for.
  4. Students awarded scholarships must sign the Scholarship Agreement and provide a thank you letter to the scholarship donor, as well as a short biography and narrative of accomplishments.

How to Apply

Complete the Application Cover Page (click here to download during application period) and submit the form and other application materials together in a manila envelope.

Deliver application materials to the designated mailbox on the 3rd Floor, Terrill Hall by the deadline.

A separate application is required for each award you wish to apply for.

Please note that the application package must include specific items based on the individual award. The required documents are listed below each award. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Application open November 15. Deadline to apply is February 20.

Louis C. Weber Scholarship for Outstanding Undergraduate Student* (Up to $750)

The Outstanding Undergraduate award recognizes an upper-division undergraduate student who has demonstrated superior academic achievement and dedication to pursuing graduate education in the field (e.g., research involvement, volunteer work, etc.).


  1. Must be an upper-division undergraduate student in Psychology.
  2. Demonstrate superior academic achievement.
  3. Demonstrate dedication to pursuing graduate education in the field (e.g., research involvement, volunteer work, etc.
  4. Must meet the minimum entrance and continuing academic performance standards of the College of Arts and Sciences in effect at the time of the award.
  5. Must have a minimum GPA of 3.00 in all college work at the time of application.
  6. Must be a full-time student at the time the award is paid.
  7. Students do not apply for the scholarship portion alone. *This scholarship is provided in conjunction with the Outstanding Undergraduate Student award.

Additional Application Requirements:

  • A statement (750 words maximum) describing your dedication to pursuing graduate education in the field of psychology (e.g., research involvement, volunteer work, etc.) as well as evidence of your academic achievements.
  • A letter of recommendation
  • A copy of unofficial UNT transcript
  • A curriculum vitae (CV)
  • An application cover page per instructions

Louis C. Weber Scholarship for Psi Chi Award* (Up to $750)

The Psi Chi Award is given to an outstanding Psi Chi member in recognition of contributions to the organization, department, and university.


  1. Must be a member of Psi Chi Honor Society in Psychology.
  2. Must meet the minimum entrance and continuing academic performance standards of the College of Arts and Sciences in effect at the time of the award.
  3. Must have a minimum GPA of 3.00 in all college work at the time of application.
  4. Must be a full-time student at the time the award is paid.
  5. Students do not apply for the scholarship portion alone. *This scholarship is provided in conjunction with the Psi Chi Award.

Additional Application Requirements:

  • A statement (750 words maximum) describing your contributions to the Psi Chi organization, the Psychology Department, and the university.
  • A letter of recommendation
  • A copy of unofficial UNT transcript
  • A curriculum vitae (CV)
  • An application cover page per instructions

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