Advising | Department of Psychology


Graduate School for Psychology Majors talk

Interested in attending graduate school for psychology, but don't know where to start or who to ask? Well, start here and ask us! We will cover the basics of different types of programs, degrees, and licenses, the application process, and what you can do as an undergraduate student to prepare you for graduate school. We hope to see you there!

The next talk schedule will be posted at the beginning of the fall semester. In the meantime, feel free to stop by walk-ins if you have grad school-related questions!

Psychology Advisors:

  • Answer questions about psychology courses
  • Help you determine which elective psychology courses to take
  • Answer questions about graduate programs in psychology
  • Fill out your official degree plan
  • Work on a walk-in basis. Walk-in hours vary each week.
  • For general academic advising, call 940-565-2051 to schedule an appointment with a CLASS general academic advisor


Week of 4/30-5/04:


Monday: 9:00-10:00am, 1:00-5:00pm

Tuesday: None

Wednesday: 10:00-11:00am, 1:00-2:00pm

Thursday: None

Friday: None


Monday: 8:00am-12:00pm, 1:00-4:00pm

Tuesday: None

Wednesday: None

Thursday: 8:00-11:30am

Friday: None

Please note:

  • If you have not been seen 15 minutes before the advisor has to leave, DO NOT expect to be seen unless there is another advisor available. Thank you.
  • Call (940)565-2051 to schedule an appointment with an academic advisor.
  • Hours for the week are also posted on our website:

Difficulty registering for a PSYC Course:

If you are having difficulty registering for a PSYC course and believe you have met the prerequisistes with transfer coursework, please email us at In your email please state your name and 8-digit student id number, how you have already fulfilled the prerequisites, and the PSYC course, section and CRE number of the course you would like to register for.

For example My name is Sally Jones (id number: 12345678). I took 12 hours of PSYC at community college. Please enroll me in PSYC 4610.001 (CRE number: 3609).

Frequently Asked Questions:

Which advisor should I meet with?

Psychology Advisors (Terrill Hall, Rm 330) can help you with questions about the psychology degree plan, to declare your psychology major, to evaluate psychology courses that you have transferred in, and to help place you in any courses for which you meet the prerequisites but cannot register. We hold walk-in hours weekly (our hours are posted above on this webpage).

General Academic Advisors (in the General Academic Building, Rm 220, and the psychology general academic advisor, Nina Ditoro) are typically available by appointment only and can help with questions regarding your core coursework (advising for courses/schedule planning, graduation checks (the semester before you intend to graduate), advising holds and advising codes, academic alert/probation/suspension and evaluating transfer courses for core credit. You may schedule an appointment with them by calling (940) 565-2051.

How do I declare my major?

To declare your major, come by the psychology advising office during our walk-in hours. We will take a look over your coursework and formally declare your major. If you are transferring psychology coursework, please bring course descriptions or syllabi from your prior college(s).

What are the CLASS​ requirements for my degree plan?

In addition to the core requirements, to be a psychology major at UNT, you must complete the intermediate level of a foreign language (or have the ability to test out of it through the language department). You must also complete an additional laboratory science from those listed on the core requirements for your catalog year.

What is the difference between the BA and BS degree plans?

Bachelor of Arts (BA)

Bachelor of Science (BS)


Most common degree plan (35 hours)

More "research focused" plan (35 hours)

GPA Requirements

2.0 Overall GPA

2.5 Psychology GPA

3.0 Overall GPA

3.5 Psychology GPA

Required Psychology Core

Math 1680/1681 Elementary Statistics*

PSYC 1630 General Psychology I

PSYC 1650 General Psychology II

PSYC 2317 Quantitative Methods

PSYC 2950 Experimental Methods

PSYC 4600 History and Systems

Math 1680/1681 Elementary Statistics*

PSYC 1630 General Psychology I

PSYC 1650 General Psychology II

PSYC 2317 Quantitative Methods

PSYC 2950 Experimental Methods

PSYC 3630 Intro to Psychological Measurement

PSYC 4600 History and Systems

PSYC 4950 Honors Thesis (1-2 year research project with faculty advisor)


6 Psychology Electives of your choice

4 Psychology Electives of your choice

*MATH 1680/1681 is a prerequisite for PSYC 2317 which is a prerequisite for PSYC 2950.

How do I know what psychology courses UNT offers?

UNT offers many interesting psychology electives from a variety of disciplines. We recommend that you focus on getting a broad view of psychology by taking electives focused on different subject matters. Please see our advising handout (Psychology Degree Information posted below) for a complete list of Psychology courses offered at UNT. Please note that courses are not guaranteed to be offered every semester.

I meet the prerequisites, but why can't I register for the class?

Typically this occurs when you have transferred in the prerequisite to a course and the system simply doesn't recognize the prerequisite you have taken elsewhere. Simply email us with your 8-digit student ID number and the CRE number for the course you would like to register. We will confirm that you meet the prerequisites and place you in the class of your choice as long as there are no holds on your account.

Should I pick a minor? And what should I minor in?

Many students select a minor as a way to learn about another discipline and broaden their college learning experience and steer them towards their chosen career path. Minors also help students earn additional advanced hours to achieve the minimum 42 advanced hours in order to graduate. Many psychology students minor in fields such as:

  • Women's Studies
  • LGBT Studies
  • Sociology
  • Foreign Language
  • Management
  • Rehabilitation Studies
  • Counseling
  • English
  • Behavior Analysis
  • Drug Abuse & Addiction
  • Development and Family Studies
  • Criminal Justice

What about the Psychology minor?

The psychology minor requires that you take 18 hours of psychology coursework with 6 of those hours as advanced (3000-4000 level). You can come into the Psychology Advising office for us to advise on relevant psychology courses to take. To declare yourself as a psychology minor, you must go to your major deparmental advising or your general academic advisor for your college to add the psychology minor to your degree audit request.

What should I know about research teams?

If you are interested in pursuing a doctoral degree in psychology or interested in exploring research as a career path, research teams can be both a valuable learning experience, and an important step in getting into the doctoral program of your choice. In order to be selected for a research team, you will need to complete the "Undergraduate Research Application." Interested faculty members will then contact you to interview for their team. Most research teams require about 10 hours of work commitment in the lab per week, and many require attendance at a mandatory weekly meeting. It is possible to receive course credit for research team, but only from certain supervisors. Details regarding course credit should be negotiated with your research supervisor. To look for professors you might want to work with, please visit the faculty pages on the psychology department website. For more information, see the following websites:

Link for more information about Undergraduate Research:

Link to Undergraduate Research Application:

What about graduate school in psychology?

The psychology advisors are well-trained in discussing decisions about graduate study as well as providing tips for applying to graduate programs. Please visit our office hours to consult us in your decision-making. More information about graduate school in psychology in the Graduate School for Psychology Majors presentation and the Get into Graduate School blog link, found below. Please note that the advising office holds four one-hour presentations each semester on this topic!

What about graduation?

Graduation is handled by the CLASS general academic advisors. You should be meeting with a CLASS general academic advisor at least once a year to ensure progress is being made towards your intended degree. The semester before you intend to graduate you need to complete a graduation check with a CLASS general academic advisor. For example, if you are intending to graduate in May 2015, then you will need get a graduation check done in the fall 2014 semester. For more information about graduation, check out the College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences, the graduation application, or schedule an appointment with a CLASS general academic advisor by calling 940-565-2051.

Additional Resources:

Faculty are also available to you for advising. The following psychology department faculty serves undergraduate advising needs.

Remember that the Psychology Department is part of the The College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences. There are advisors in the The College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences to help with core requirement questions, graduation checks, transfer credit questions, concurrent enrollment permission, and to assist students who are on suspension. The College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences is located in the General Academic Building, room 220 (940-565-2051):

Helpful Psychology Department Handouts:

Undergraduate Psychology Manual

Psychology Coursework and Degree Information

Graduate School For Psychology Majors (Presentation)

CAS Academic Info Booklet 2013-14

CAS Academic Info Booklet 2014-15

BA in Psychology Transfer Guide

BS in Psychology Transfer Guide

Special Problems Form

Psychology Practicum Request Form

Dr. Barnett's Psychology Careers Workshop

Helpful Links:

Get into Graduate School blog, by our own Dr. Hook:

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