Scholarships & Awards | Department of Psychology

Scholarships & Awards

Award Winners 2018


Louis C. Weber Scholarship for Outstanding Undergraduate Student

Idalia Maciel

Idalia Maciel is a 20-year-old senior from Mexico City, Mexico. She will be graduating summa cum laude this spring with a Psychology major and a double minor in Spanish & Criminal Justice. She is the Writing Coach in Dr. Michael Barnett's Adult Development and Aging Lab, where she has co-authored one peer-reviewed journal article, two articles in press, and five manuscripts under review or in preparation. Her paper on the biological basis of homosexuality will be published in the upcoming issue of UNT's Honors College academic journal The Eagle Feather. She is also on one podium presentation and three academic posters, where one, on which she is first author, won Best Poster Prize at the International Society for Women's Sexual Health Conference of 2017. Abstracts of three of these presentations were published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. Currently, she is working as the student investigator on a study on social identity among LGB individuals. She is also a research assistant in Dr. Kaminski's Scientia Conquisitor lab where she assists in participant recruitment, survey distribution and literature reviews.

In her time at UNT, she has maintained a 4.0 GPA, granting her a position on the President's List every semester since Fall 2015. She was previously awarded the James T. Rhea Scholarship, and is a member of the Alpha Chi National College Honor Society. She has also served as the College of Arts and Sciences Psychology Ambassador for the 2016-2017 academic year, serving the department of psychology as a mentor for incoming and current psychology students. Following graduation, she plans to pursue a Ph.D. in experimental psychology and become a research psychologist within female and LGB sexuality, focusing on the topics of sexual discrimination and stigma.

Louis C. Weber Scholarship for Psi Chi Award

Samuel Van Vleet

Samuel Colt Van Vleet has been at the University of North Texas since the fall of 2015. Samuel says, "I have always dreamed of pursuing a career in psychology. Through guidance at UNT, I realized that my passions were to work in the field of gerontology. I grew up around older adults my entire life and I saw that they did not always receive proper care."

"At the end of my freshman year, I joined a research team with Dr. Barnett and began formally studying older adults. I was placed in charge of a project that collected data regarding advanced care planning and end of life care preferences. Through this project, I realized a true need for professionals in my field of study. I have worked on many poster presentations through Dr. Barnett's lab. In the fall of 2016, I worked on a research poster that received a publication at the Gerontological Society of America scientific meeting."

"Since the fall of 2017, I have had the honor of working with Dr. Yolanda Flores Niemann in her Critical Race Theory research team. She has brought me a great deal of knowledge that I am able to apply to my pursuit of graduate school," said Samuel. His most recent accomplishments have been the induction into the McNair scholars program in the spring of 2018. Through the McNair program, he is currently working on a study proposal for a study that compares intergenerational and interracial conflict between older adults and younger adults.


Charlotte Friedersdorff-Boyd Memorial Scholarship for Outstanding Graduate Student

Jessica Dietch

Jessica (Jessee) Dietch is a 6th year doctoral candidate in the Clinical Health Psychology program, and a 2nd year predoctoral student in Research, Measurement, and Statistics in the Educational Psychology department at UNT. She intends to spend her career researching designing and conducting clinical research studies that produce and improve upon efficient, affordable, and deliverable treatments for sleep disorders.

Jessica says, "During my doctoral training in Clinical Health Psychology and Research, Measurement and Statistics, I have focused on developing a strong research program and prepare for a rigorous academic career. As a first year graduate student, I worked as a research assistant on a National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases-funded study examining influenza vaccine response in students with and without insomnia (PI: Daniel Taylor, PhD). Next, I worked as a research assistant on a Department of Defense (DoD)-funded randomized clinical trial (PI: Daniel Taylor, PhD) in active-duty military members that compared in-person and internet treatment for insomnia to a waitlist control. I took on more responsibilities as a research assistant on a National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute-funded study examining social vigilance and atherosclerotic risk (PI: John Ruiz, PhD). I gained further experience working with multidisciplinary teams as a research assistant on a National Science Foundation-funded study developing a telehealth motivational interviewing intervention (PI: Rodney Nielsen, PhD), as a research assistant on a DoD-funded randomized clinical trial (PI: Daniel Taylor, PhD) comparing treatment for PTSD alone and paired with treatment for insomnia and nightmares in active-duty military, and as project coordinator on an NIH-funded study (PIs: Daniel Taylor, PhD; Kimberly Kelly, PhD) examining the role of sleep parameters in vaccine response in a sample of nurses. Currently, I work as a graduate research assistant on a DoD-funded study that aims to develop a web-based provider training for cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia (PI: Daniel Taylor, PhD). Through my work on these projects, I learned the responsibilities of running a high-level research study."

"In addition to gaining experience by working on others' research projects, I developed my own research program in three primary areas: 1) sleep measurement and methodology, 2) sleep and physical/mental health, and 3) sleep disorders intervention. As part of my master's thesis, I investigated whether assessment method moderated the relationship between sleep duration and atherosclerotic risk. I have extended this work with my dissertation project, for which I am currently conducting analyses, in which I compare three commonly-used measurements of sleep duration, timing, and quality to a gold standard measurement. Outside of milestone research projects, I have also conducted numerous independent research investigations including presentations of 39 papers, posters, and workshops at professional conferences. I have eight publications (three first-author) with two additional manuscripts currently under review. As part of my development of an academic research career, I have mentored 20 undergraduate research assistants through several research projects and taught numerous courses on statistics and psychology. For my future career, I intend to obtain a faculty position at a university or academic medical center and continue to conduct research on sleep and health behaviors."

Bonney Honor Student in Psychology Award

Stephanie Caldas

Stephanie Caldas has a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in psychology from the George Washington University, where she graduated with minors in anthropology and Hispanic languages and literature in 2009. After earning her B.S., Stephanie worked in the non-profit sectors in Washington DC to improve access to quality education for traditionally marginalized students, and also other work in the education field. In 2012, she returned to school to earn a Master's of Science (M.S.) degree in experimental and applied clinical psychology from the University of Louisiana, where she received clinical training in mindfulness-based therapy and research. Her research investigated the chronic and cumulative effects of social marginalization on mental health in the U.S. Latinx population. After earning her M.S., Stephanie worked as a researcher in public health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Publish Health, where she investigated police-youth relationships in Baltimore City and interventions to improve adherence to anti-viral medications in adolescents living with HIV in Zambia, among other research projects. A desire to increase the impact of her work led Stephanie to her current doctoral studies in clinical psychology at the University of North Texas, where she is currently conducting research in two research laboratories. She aims to improve access to mental health care (particularly for marginalized groups) and develop mental health care that is responsive to communities' cultural and structural needs through interdisciplinary solutions, community-based research, and mixed methods.

Beyond Stephanie's academic research aimed to reduce mental health disparities, she strives to belong to and serve the community in which she works and live. She aims to integrate the knowledge obtained from her privileged education into her community-oriented work. For instance, last semester she led a workshop for over 100 lower-income first generation Latinx parents in New York. She conducted the workshop in Spanish and catered the content to the needs specified by the community members who invited her to speak. The workshop was based on findings from her own research (which investigates factors related to mental health in Latinx immigrants) combined with mindfulness-based techniques learned through her training with Dr. Amy Murrell.

Stephanie believes education and information are invaluable to advocacy, empowerment, and positive change. As a member of Statistical Theories, Analyses, and Measurement in Psychology (STAMP), a student-led group, she shared her research expertise through presentations on qualitative research and factor analyses. As a member of Psychology Advocates for Social Change (PASC), Stephanie works to empower and connect students with the community in which they live. Part of this work includes organizing student groups to attend local advocacy events, such as the Women's March. At the Women's March, Stephanie disseminated informational pamphlets that she wrote on how to be informed and politically active. Also through PASC, she wrote an article aimed to empower undergraduate students to engage with the political system. Stephanie is also a member of Indivisible Denton, a local organization that advocates against racism and authoritarianism through empowering

community members and influencing policy work.

For two years, Stephanie have served as the ombudsperson for her local roller derby league. As an ombudsperson, she is responsible for ensuring that the community remains inclusive of all individuals, regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, or other factors. She is an advocate for members who feel they have been treated unfairly or who simply need advice. Stephanie also coaches newer skaters, and uses her training in mindfulness and pedagogy to create a safe space for learning.

Ladenberger Honor Student in Psychology Award

Patrick Love

Patrick K. Love is a third year doctoral student in the Clinical Psychology program at UNT under the mentorship of Jennifer Callahan, Ph.D., ABPP. During his time at UNT, Patrick has committed himself to serving the Department of Psychology with the intent of improving its ability to serve its students and clients. His service started with volunteering to become the Graduate Student Assistant for the Directors of Clinical Training (DCT GSA). His responsibilities as the DCT GSA included polling the student body to determine their opinions on course offerings, degree requirements, and course content; organizing and running the clinical program's interview days in 2016 and 2017; and served as a mentor to all new clinical psychology first year graduate students.

He also has been an active role in a number of student organizations serving as a student representative for the Psychological Questions Research Symposium (PQRS) group, was a founding member of the Statistical Theories, Analyses, and Measurement in Psychology (STAMP) group, and as is currently a Clinical Program Student Representative. Patrick's involvement in PQRS and STAMP gave him the opportunity to further the research, statistical and professional development education of himself and his peers beyond what is provided in the core curricula. His role as the Clinical Program Student representative allows him to act as a liaison between the clinical programs graduate students and the department, advocating for change to improve the education and quality of life of the programs students.

In addition to serving the department directly in various professional capacities, the focus of his research, improving psychotherapy treatment and training outcomes, has served to improve the functioning of the department in several areas. First, his first author publication on interleaving learning and deliberate practice has helped shape the structure of the Assessment II course and improved student grades. Second, the results of his thesis project highlighted several gaps in the clinic's procedure and training policies. The clinic has improved their process leading to more streamlined procedures as a result.

Outstanding Teaching Fellow Award

David Mosher

"In my first year as a graduate student, I had the joy of teaching PSYC 3000, which is better known as positive psychology. That sparked a hunger for more teaching experiences and led me to teach positive psychology two additional semesters, as well as two semesters worth of PSYC 3640 (e.g., Marital Adjustment). The best time I had was when I taught both courses in the same semester as a 3rd year doctoral candidate in the Counseling Psychology PhD program. That was the semester where I actually cried after the last student turned in their final exam for the class. My emotions and passion just poured out in tears of gratitude as I cherished my time spent teaching," said David.

He continues, "After being the lead instructor five times for undergraduate courses in the Psychology Department at the University of North Texas, I see my greatest accomplishments being the success and growth of my students. That's the true mark of accomplishment for me as a teacher. Sure, it's nice to see consistent, highly appraised course evaluations from students, letters of appreciation on "thank a teacher" day, or even see the hot chili pepper on the website. But at the end of the day, nothing makes me feel more accomplished than a student's email saying they have gone on to be accepted into a Master's program or how they have seen major differences in their life by applying the lessons I taught. I always tell my students I care more about their learning and growth than their grades. In general, my care for my students' success is what helps me be a truly outstanding teaching fellow." These are the attributes that earned David the award as the Outstanding Teaching Fellow in Psychology!

Anna Wright Memorial Scholarship

Allison Dornbach-Bender

Prior to attending the University of North Texas (UNT), Allison Dornbach-Bender completed her undergraduate education at Pomona College in her home state of California. Upon graduation, she moved to Houston and worked in a research lab at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. While serving as a research assistant, she developed her research interest in bipolar disorder.

"As a current third year in the clinical psychology program at the University of North Texas (UNT), I have further developed my research skills. While working under the guidance of my research advisor, Dr. Camilo Ruggero, I completed my master's thesis project, which focused on measuring daily positive affect in undergraduate students at elevated risk for bipolar disorder. I have also published a first-author manuscript and have prepared four other manuscripts for future publication. Further, I have personally presented UNT research at two national conferences while also collaborating with colleagues on three additional conference poster presentations. All of these research projects have focused on exploring the unique characteristics of bipolar disorder as well as the broader nosology of psychopathology," said Allison.

"As a counterbalance to the development of my research skills, I have also focused on providing clinical services that are supported by research. At present, my clinical training has occurred exclusively within the UNT Psychology Clinic. Under the guidance of my clinical supervisors (i.e., Dr. Neumann, Dr. Fincher, Dr. Wilson), I have completed 12 comprehensive psychological assessments. In addition to assessment services, I have conducted 140 hours of individual therapy with both adult and child clients at the UNT Psychology Clinic. Throughout each clinical interaction, I work to apply the clinical theory learned in my UNT courses to individual clients. As I progress though my doctoral degree, I plan to further learn and utilize specific manualized therapeutic treatments (e.g., ACT, CBT) across a variety of clinical settings (e.g., psychiatric hospital, private practice)," she explained.

Allison continues, "Another core component of my professional development is teaching both undergraduate and graduate students. During my time at UNT, I have served as a teaching fellow for the undergraduate quantitative methods lab as well as the graduate assessment lab. Being selected to serve as the graduate assessment lab instructor is an incredible honor, and I value the opportunity to help train the next generation of psychological assessors. I am dedicated to guiding each incoming class of graduate psychology students as they develop their clinical skills and learn to provide the exemplary assessment services for which UNT-trained psychologists are known."

"As I continue to progress though my educational career at UNT, I intend to expand upon and add to my achievements in the areas of research, clinical skills, and teaching. At present, I am on track to graduate with my PhD in clinical psychology in the summer of 2021 (six years total). Given my dedication to guiding the future generation of psychologists, I have already committed to continue teaching the graduate assessment lab for two more years. Upon completion of my degree, I intend to apply my UNT training as I provide clinical services in a community clinic or group practice setting," said Allison.

Frank Collins Memorial Scholarship

Megan Douglas

Megan Douglas explains her career choice this way, "Since my undergraduate training I have known that I wanted to pursue a research-focused career. I initially began studying psychology because I wanted to work directly with people and help them address psychological problems through therapeutic interventions. As I learned more about the methodological rigor and critical thinking in the field of psychology I began to identify more as a scientist. Upon entering the APA-Accredited Clinical Health Psychology graduate program at the University of North Texas (UNT) I began honing my scientific research skills under the guidance of Dr. Charles Guarnaccia and Dr. Heidemarie Blumenthal. My experience at UNT has provided me with the necessary clinical training and research experience necessary for a clinical psychology research career."

"With the support of these mentors and the psychology department I have been able to work as a research assistant in several experimental laboratories focusing on psychosocial factors which impact health behaviors. My first research assistant position was in the Teen St.A.R. (Stress and Alcohol Research) Laboratory which examines developmental precursors of adolescent risk behaviors related to stress, anxiety, and their influence on health behaviors (e.g. substance use). I also worked on several conference papers and presentations as part of my role in the Diabetes and Psychosocial Research Lab. In continuing to work in these roles I also took a position with a new faculty member and helped initiate a study examining personality factors and anxiety as they relate to smoking for the Disposition, Emotion, and Addiction Research Lab. These experiences have provided me with a solid foundation in multimodal experimental laboratory and longitudinal research focused on examining factors which impact overall health.

I have also been able to further apply my research training while working on clinical intervention research at the Dallas Baylor University Medical Center. I worked on a 12-month group lifestyle intervention adapted for individuals with traumatic brain injury and am now serving as the study therapist for a randomized clinical trial examining the impact of prolonged exposure on PTSD symptoms for individuals with spinal cord injuries. In addition to serving as a research assistant or study therapist, I have submitted several conference papers and peer-reviewed journal manuscripts from these studies. Overall my graduate training has prepared me for a career focused on clinical interventions and research aimed at reducing and treating chronic diseases and risky health behaviors."

Megan continues, "Now, I reflect on the culmination of these experiences as I prepare to move to Connecticut to complete my clinical internship at the West Haven VA, a Yale-affiliated medical center. This site emphasizes training in health psychology and evidence-based practice and I believe it will further prepare me for a clinical research career. I look forward to finishing my clinical Ph.D. requirements and then plan to further enhance my research training by applying for a research-focused post-doctoral fellowship. Ultimately, I believe my training has not only prepared me for a future career in research, but also enables me to work on improving psychotherapeutic interventions through evidence-based research and fulfill the goals I had from the beginning of my higher education."

Ernest H. Harrell Memorial Scholarship

Renee Cloutier

Renee Cloutier is in the fifth year of her doctoral program in Experimental Psychology where she studies the interaction of social stressors and individual risk factors (e.g., social anxiety) on substance use outcomes among adolescents under Dr. Heidemarie Blumenthal. Renee says, "My overall career goal is to become an academic researcher where I can advance novel methodologies to enhance the study of early risk factors for long-term problems and ultimately, help inform intervention programs. My research activities to date include 9 publications, 53 poster presentations at national conferences, on and off-site project collaborations, an APA funded thesis project, and a NIH funded dissertation (1F31DA041105). Among my poster presentations, 22 include undergraduate first-authors whom I mentored through the research design, analysis, and presentation process."

"As a fifth year doctoral student, I am hoping to spend my sixth, and final year focusing on my dissertation work, publication activities, and finalizing my training before taking the 'next step' towards becoming an independent scholar. This scholarship will be incredibly helpful as I continue to work towards funding my education and will allow me to remain focused on my research."

Outstanding Dissertation Award

Erin Sullivan

Erin Sullivan is a 5th year student in the Clinical Psychology program. "My clinical interest is in neuropsychology and I have had the opportunity to pursue practicums evaluating and providing intervention for individuals affected by traumatic brain injury, stroke, movement disorders, and dementia. My primary research interest is in the neurocognitive effects of trauma, particularly in women. Next year I will be a neuropsychology intern at the Dallas VA, where I am now a practicum student. When I'm not busy with graduate school work, I am a high school rowing coach and member of the board of directors at the Dallas Rowing Club. My husband and I are also the proud owners of two dachshunds and a corgi," says Erin.

She explains, "While I have been active in neuropsychological research since beginning the graduate program, I began to focus on trauma with my thesis project, an online examination of executive function following traumatic experiences. Since that time, I have authored articles in peer-reviewed journals focusing on trauma experiences in the general population and PTSD symptoms of patients in an acute Level 1 Trauma center. For my dissertation project, I collected data from veteran and civilian women to explore the relationship between psychological/trauma factors and neuropsychological outcomes. I hope that by publishing this research I will inform others about how women are affected by trauma both psychologically and cognitively. In the future, I plan to expand on this study by assessing women's neuropsychological functioning before and after therapeutic treatment for PTSD."

Outstanding Thesis Award

Nathan Kearns

Nathan Kearns is currently in the third year of the Behavioral Science Ph.D. program working under the guidance of Dr. Heidemarie Blumenthal. "My research focuses on etiological mechanisms, interplay, and consequences of trauma, posttraumatic stress, and problematic substance use among at-risk populations (e.g., emerging adults, traumatic injury). In addition to my research at UNT, I also serve as a Clinical Research Assistant for the Department of Trauma, Critical Care, and Acute Care Surgery at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas and as the Student Representative for the Addictive Behaviors Special Interest Group (SIG) within the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy (ABCT)," said Nathan.

Nathan talks about his research work as follows, "Alcohol consumption on college campuses is a major public health concern, particularly among emerging adults - a developmental phase between adolescence and general adulthood in which empirical research has highlighted increases in trauma exposure rates, posttraumatic responding, and problematic alcohol use. Extant literature has identified trauma exposure and posttraumatic stress as robust risk factors for problematic alcohol use within this population. However, the mechanisms underlying this association are less well-studied. Research indicates that bodily arousal is a fundamental feature of trauma exposure and posits that internal stimuli (e.g., increased heart rate) at the time of trauma may manifest into conditioned cues that can trigger posttraumatic responding, comorbid symptomatology, and maladaptive coping mechanism, such as desire to consume alcohol. However, past work supporting these assertions have used paradigms purposefully designed to evoke memories of the trauma (i.e., script-driven imagery), making it difficult to ascertain whether the subsequent increase in alcohol craving is catalyzed by the explicit re-experiencing of the traumatic memory or by the associated bodily arousal. To help address this gap in the literature, my Master's Thesis employed a within-subjects experimental design to examine whether an implicit, trauma-relevant cue of bodily arousal (via voluntary hyperventilation) - independent of any explicit memory cue - would elicit increased desire to drink among 80 trauma-exposed, emerging adult students."

"Results from my Master's Thesis meaningfully expand on our understanding of the underlying mechanisms driving the associations between posttraumatic stress and subsequent alcohol use behavior. More specifically, the findings suggest that bodily arousal - independent of explicit remembering of trauma memories - may serve as an implicit, trauma-relevant interoceptive cue that increases desire to drink, but only within a specific subset of trauma-exposed emerging adult college students. This project provided several suggestions for future directions to help in identifying this subgroup (e.g., individuals reporting an interpersonal trauma as their most traumatic event), as well as methodological and procedural suggestions that may optimize internal validity and improve power to detect the effects of implicit, trauma-relevant cues in future work targeting this at-risk population. The replication and extension of this work will be an important next step in understanding the influence of bodily arousal on alcohol use behavior, which will be critical to PTSD-alcohol use modeling and, ultimately, help in informing prevention- and treatment-oriented intervention efforts aimed at reducing problematic alcohol use on college campuses."

Outstanding Scholarly Publication Award

Allyson Sharf

Allyson Sharf is a fifth year doctoral student in Clinical Psychology at the University of North Texas. Since beginning graduate school, Allyson has been an active member of Dr. Richard Rogers' research team, researching a variety of topics related to clinical forensic psychology. For her thesis, Allyson conducted the first systematic examination of juvenile Miranda reasoning in a detainee population. The resulting publication was accepted to Psychological Assessment, the highest impact journal in this domain, with her as first author.

Rogers Academic Career Award in Clinical Psychology

Margot Williams

Margot Williams obtained her Bachelors' degree in Psychology and Spanish from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. After working in research full-time for one year, she was admitted to the Clinical Psychology program at the University of North Texas. Margot is currently a fourth-year doctoral candidate working with Dr. Richard Rogers, specializing in forensic psychology.

The Rogers Academic Career Award in Clinical Psychology seeks to support graduate student scholars pursuing innovative student-led research in order to be more competitive in pursuing an academic career. Margot has been extensively involved in clinical research throughout her time at UNT and has contributed as a coauthor to numerous peer-reviewed articles. Most recently, her work has focused on systematic assessment of response styles (i.e., impression management and malingering) that can impact the accuracy of clinical assessment and diagnosis, reflecting her desire to pursue research that informs practical application. Margot proposed her dissertation project in the fall of 2017, which seeks to advance the understanding of criminal thinking as a risk factor for offenders with severe substance use histories. Financial support from the Rogers Academic Career Award will be used to fund a first-authored dissertation-based article, as well as expand the scope of her research by permitting collection of follow-up outcome data.

Beyond her research commitments, Margot currently works as a clinical practicum student at the Federal Medical Center - Carswell. She has also taught at both the undergraduate and graduate level, and is currently serving as the President of the Graduate Association of Students in Psychology (GASP).

Congratulations to the winners of the 2017 Research Day Student Poster Awards!

March 1, 2018

Justin Litvin
Poster title: Development and Validation of a Self-Report Measure of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Complex PTSD (CPTSD) According to the Proposed ICD-11 Domains: The Complex Trauma Inventory (CTI)

Authors: Litvin, J.M. & Kaminski, P.L.

Justin Litvin is entering his 6th year in the counseling psychology doctoral program at UNT.

Last year, Justin completed a year-long practicum at the Fort Worth Veteran Affairs (VA) Outpatient Clinic, where he provided a variety of treatments to veterans suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, and chronic pain. He is completing another year-long practicum at the Dallas VA, where he is working with veterans struggling with various substance use disorders. Justin plans to attend a VA internship site for his final year of his doctoral program.

Christian Goans
Poster title: Universal Suicide Risk Screening in the Parkland Health & Hospital System: Evaluation of the Parkland Algorithm for Suicide Screening

Authors: Goans, C.R.R., Roaten, K., North, C.S., Guarnaccia, C.A., & Ruggero, C.

Christian Goans is entering his last year in the Clinical Health Psychology doctoral program. He has spent one year working a practicum at Parkland Health & Hospital System. He then continued on there doing research for his dissertation. Christian will be attending his final doctoral internship in the 2018-2019 academic year.

Marcela Leon
Poster title: Adult Attachment, Perceived Discrimination, and Depression among Latino College Students: A Mediation Model

Authors: Leon, M., Shelton, A., & Wang, C.D.

Marcela Leon is in the Psychology BS degree program. She is currently a senior and president of Psi Chi. After graduation she plans to attend graduate school for counseling psychology.

Honorable Mention:

Jessica Dietch

Poster title: Differences in Subjective Sleep Complaints by Sex and Sexual Orientation

Authors: Dietch, J.R., Akibar, A., Blumenthal, H. & Flores Niemann, Y.

Nicole Russo

Poster title: Avatar Administered Stroop Task: Validating a Virtual Reality Stroop Task

Authors: Russo, N., Asbee, J., Schermerhorn, P., Parsons, T.

The Psychology Department is pleased to recognize these fine winners.

Congratulations once again to you all!

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