The Veterans Success Center is a place of engagement and support for our student Veterans. Having a close working relationship with the second largest VA Facility in the country allows the University of North Texas at Dallas to support our Veterans and build a bridge to assist those who do not have a bachelor’s degree.

“It’s amazing to be able to see the resiliency and leadership that our Veterans bring to this campus. I’m here to provide overall support. My main focus is to take the best care of our student vets. I want their college experience to be very valuable and irreplaceable, and that they couldn’t have obtained this type of experience anywhere else. I want our student vets to feel at home, welcomed and supported.” - Jay Hays, Veterans Success Center Coordinator, U.S Navy Veteran

During Veterans Week on campus, UNT Dallas has created several events for our Veterans to enjoy and benefit from. These include Resume Building workshops and the Veteran’s Gala this Saturday, Nov. 11 at 7 p.m., where not only our student Vets will participate, but Veterans from other campuses.

Learn more about the Veterans Success Center: