UNT Computer Services

Help Desk Location: Sage Hall, Room 330D
Phone: 940-565-2324
Website: https://it.unt.edu/helpdesk | Email: helpdesk@unt.edu



University IT:  Campus computing services that support instruction, research and student learning are provided through University Information Technology, UIT, https://it.unt.edu, in various offices of Sage Hall and the General Academic Building. University IT services include support for a wide range of research computing platforms, training, consulting and the UIT Help Desk, https://it.unt.edu/helpdesk, located in Sage Hall, Room 330D. The UIT Administrative Offices are located in GAB, Room 107.

Note: Take the Tech Tour! An essential orientation to UNT technology resources is available on the web through the Technology Tour, https://it.unt.edu/techtour.

Other IT Support Offices: In addition to the services directly supported by UIT, computer services also are available from the University Libraries, Classroom Support Services, Student Computer Labs, and many college, school and departmental computer-support centers. Wireless networking, such as the UNT secure network, is available in all major campus classroom and public buildings, such as the University Union and UNT Libraries and outdoor locations in the core of the campus. Online courses are offered with support from the Center for Learning Enhancement, Assessment and Redesign, CLEAR, https://clear.unt.edu, using computing systems supported by the UNT System's Information Technology Shared Services, ITSS, https://itss.untsystem.edu.


Fourteen general access computer labs, https://computerlabs.unt.edu, housing approximately 1,000 computers, are available for use by all students with a current UNT ID. Laser printers are provided in all labs.

Adaptive Lab: For students who benefit from adaptive technologies, the UIT Adaptive Computer Lab, https://it.unt.edu/adaptivelab, is available in Sage Hall, Room 330.

Laptops may be checked out for short-term use in various labs and in the Willis Library. Approximately 30 additional special-purpose labs serve students in academic disciplines or living in the university residence halls. Also, all residence-hall rooms have network connections, allowing students to have high-speed computer access to the internet and the campus network.

Information Technology Shared Services, ITSS, provides electronic mail to all students via EagleConnect, https://it.unt.edu/eagleconnect, a web-based email and calendar system. EagleConnect is an official communication medium between the university and students. Through the EagleConnect service, currently enrolled students also can download and install Microsoft® Office to their computing devices.


University Information Technology's team in Research IT Services, https://it.unt.edu/rits, supports UNT’s high-performance computing services, https://hpc.unt.edu, the system that is used for computationally intensive scientific research.

UIT provides support for multiple statistical analysis and mathematics programming languages that are available for use in many of the general access computer labs and on personally-owned computers through the office of Research and Statistical Support, R&SS, http://it.unt.edu/researchappsupport. Documentation, training and consultation support are available for all supported statistical programming applications through R&SS office, https://it.unt.edu/research, located in the General Academic Building, Room 535.

UIT supports access to machine-readable data collections including the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research, ICPSR. The University Libraries also maintain many databases and other research materials that are accessible through the campus network.


Consulting and training are provided by University Information Technology to facilitate the use of research and instructional computing facilities. Short courses are offered on statistical packages and research techniques that are of interest to students involved in research activities through the Research and Statistical Support Office, https://it.unt.edu/research, General Academic Building, Room 535. Experienced consultants are available to assist students with research computing questions.

Computer-based training programs are accessible within general access computer labs, via the web, and the UNT LyndaCampus, https://it.unt.edu/lynda. Benchmarks Online, https://benchmarks.it.unt.edu, UIT's news journal is an excellent source for news, alerts and information about computing and information technology resources in use at UNT.

Computer Support FAQs

What kind of computing resources does the university offer students?

Central computing services in support of instruction and research are provided through University Information Technology, UIT, located in various offices in Sage Hall and the General Academic Building. Fourteen general access computer, https://computerlabs.unt.edu, labs are located across the UNT campus and at Discovery Park for student use. The labs provide access to a wide range of computer applications on Windows-based and Macintosh personal computers with both draft- and laser-quality printers. Students living in residence halls may connect their personal computers directly to the internet via the Resnet service, https://www.myresnet.com/. UNT also provides free anti-virus software for students, https://it.unt.edu/techtour6.

Recommendation: All students are strongly encouraged to take the Technology Tour at https://it.unt.edu/techtour, for an overview of UNT information technology services, information and links to essential service websites.

University IT Administrative Offices: GAB, Room 107
UIT Help Desk: 940-565-2324 | helpdesk@unt.eduhttps://it.unt.edu/helpdesk  | Sage Hall, Room 330D

What are the computer and online services for students?

Email: Every student is provided a free EagleConnect account which includes email, Microsoft Office, cloud storage, chat, and calendar capabilities among other features, accessible from anywhere on the internet. Read more at it.unt.edu/eagleconnect.

Account Management: Students activate their account with their UNT enterprise user identification, EUID, and supply a password through a web portal for the Account Management System, https://ams.unt.edu.

Online Learning: Online courses are offered via Blackboard Learn and Canvas, https://learn.unt.edu, and are accessible to students registered for online courses via their EUID and password. Through UNT's subscription to Lynda.com, https://it.unt.edu/lynda, a leading online learning platform, students can learn business, software, technology and creative skills to achieve personal and professional goals.

MyUNT: Students can register for classes, pay their tuition, receive financial aid, and see their schedule through MyUNT, https://my.unt.edu/, the online portal to non-academic matters.

UNT Mobile App: Students can access their grades, find classes, learn about university events and contact faculty members—all with a few swipes and taps, https://mobile.unt.edu.

Computer services also include the UNT Libraries’ online catalog, online indexes, abstracts, and periodicals.

What type of computer should I get for my student to bring to campus?

A general recommendation for a new computer is a Windows 10 or Mac OS X High Sierra system with at least 1.8GHz processor, 8GB of RAM and a 256G hard drive. Anti-virus software is provided by UNT for students to download.

In addition to having access to Microsoft Office through EagleConnect, the MS Office products are available in the computer labs on campus and are good choices for writing papers and developing spreadsheets and presentations for class projects.

Students in some majors, e.g., art, music, computer science and engineering, may need higher specifications for their computing needs. For more information, students are encouraged to contact their college.

Is there an email resource number or a place where students can get help with problems?

Yes: helpdesk@unt.edu. Students may call, click or come in for assistance.

Students can request help for their information technology problems by contacting the UIT Help Desk in Sage Hall, Room 330D, 940-565-2324, helpdesk@unt.edu. On the UIT Help Desk website, https://it.unt.edu/helpdesk, students can access help and find answers to other frequently asked questions.


Please contact the University IT Help Desk. Call, click or come by!
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Help Desk Website ~ Email | Sage Hall, Room 330D

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