Why the College of Science Cares | College of Science

Why the College of Science Cares

The Mission of the College of Science at the University of North Texas is to provide a supportive, inclusive, and collaborative environment for students, faculty, and staff, integrating a contemporary education in science with the pursuit of research at the forefront of the natural and mathematical sciences.

To demonstrate this commitment to our students, our programs, and each other, Dean Su Gao is encouraging every full-time staff and faculty member to make a donation to the UNT fund of their choice during the annual We Care, We Count campaign to help the university further its mission.

Large or small, every donation counts.

To encourage the efforts of our community across the college, Dean Gao has announced the Board & Dean's Challenge, which will reward $4,000 to the departments who reach the Provost's goal of 85% participation.


There's more! Gifts over $25 entitle employees to a WCWC t-shirt, and every donor is entered in a university-wide raffle for prizes--winners are selected and announced every week!

You can find the giving form here; you can print and fill it out to give it to your department champion or send it directly to annual giving online. Make your donation count by ensuring your department champion is aware of your donation if you make it online so we can keep our numbers up-to-date*. Please direct any questions to Cristina Garrido at cristina.garrido@unt.edu.

*chart will be updated weekly, numbers may not reflect current count

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