Drop Rules

Dropping a class vs. Withdrawing from the Semester

Dropping means you remove or “drop” one or more courses from your schedule, but that you are still enrolled in at least one course at UNT. Withdrawing means you drop all courses and are no longer enrolled in the University.

Six-Drop Rule

If you were enrolled in higher education for the first time during the Fall 2007 academic term or any subsequent terms you are allowed to drop a total of six courses in your academic career. This includes any course(s) you may have dropped at another Texas public institution of higher education. This does not apply to courses dropped prior to the census date; courses dropped with a grade of WF, and do not apply if you withdraw for the term or session.

Certain exceptions may be made to the limit if you can show good cause for dropping more than that number. For a list of possible exceptions go to: http://essc.unt.edu/registrar/schedule/droplimit.html

Withdrawing from the semester

The Dean of Students Office is committed to helping you if you should ever intend to withdraw from a semester (drop ALL courses). If you wish to withdraw you must do so in person at the Dean of Students Office (Union 321) during office hours. This is a “one stop shop” for the withdrawal process. Students may only withdraw from the first class day until the official last day to withdraw as indicated in the academic calendar.

You must visit the Dean of Students Office to obtain the official University Withdrawal Form and meet with a staff member. The meeting will ensure you are informed of any obligations you may have with the University or items you may need to fulfill upon returning to UNT. Students will also receive Financial Aid Exit counseling (as applicable). This will allow UNT to better understand the reasons why students leave in order to improve our University and its services.


An “Incomplete” may be allowed in emergency situations, but only if approved by your instructor. The course must be 75% complete and you must be passing. The coursework must be completed within one year of granting the grade of “I”. See the current semester academic dates and deadlines before requesting an incomplete.