How do I update an Org Dept Holder?

Org Dept and Non-Sponsored Project Holder Changes - Please email the Budget Office and include the following:

1. Carbon Copy the current holder and the new holder. If the current holder is no longer with the University, then the current holder's supervisor should be copied on the request.

2. Include the Org Dept Number and Name (or Project Number and Name).

3. Include the Names and 8-digit Empl IDs of both the current and new holders.

4. Indicate the effective date of the change.

Sponsored Project Holder Changes - Please contact the Office for Grants and Contracts Administration (OGCA) to update NGRCT, grant holders.

What are Salary Savings?

Salary savings are accumulated for staff salaries on chart strings that include the following fund cat/fun combinations:

fund cat    fund

105             800001   State

105             805001   State

200             830001   Designated Tuition

Are Salary Savings carried forward from year to year?

Salary savings are not carried forward from year to year.

If a department has salary savings, can those $ be carried over to a new fiscal year? For example, a department has a vacancy that is in the recruitment process that crosses over 9/1, for which they have requested to retain $5K over entry based on the former incumbent’s salary. How does the department ensure that the additional $5K that was approved is carried over when the position is filled?

As long as the department submits a HRM-4 to retain the $ over entry, they will be able to access those funds in the next fiscal year. As a rule, salary savings do not carry over from one fiscal year to the next. The HRM-4 should be used to address the anticipated salary needs of the position so that the Budget Office can verify funding. If the department feels they are hiring under special circumstances then they should contact the Budget Office for assistance.

When a position vacates, does the Budget Office automatically sweep the position salary to entry?

If an employee is terminated the system automatically resets the position to entry and the Budget Office will do a budget entry to move the funds to salary savings. If an employee transfers to another position then we do not automatically reset the position to entry nor do we move funds to salary savings.

How do I end a position?

Process a HRM-4 to end a position.

What is the difference between permanent and temporary salary savings?

“Permanent” salary savings are obtained when a position is ended, a position that was budgeted above entry hires someone at a lower annual salary, or a position is reclassed down. Permanent salary savings can be used to fund equity increases, hire someone over entry, fund a new position, or reclass a current position.

“Temporary” salary savings are obtained from vacant positions. Temporary salary savings can be used for lump sum payouts, temporary employees, overlaps, and comp time payouts. These funds cannot be used to fund new positions, give equity increases, or hire someone over entry because at some point in the future you will fill that position and those funds will no longer be available for use.

Example: Jane has been in her position as an Administrative Coordinator I for 10 years and is now making $42,000 annually. Jane retires, the position is reset to entry, and is vacant for 3 months. Entry level for an Administrative Coordinator I is $30,000 annually.

Permanent Salary Savings = $12,000 ($42,000-$30,000)

Temporary Salary Savings = $7,500 [($30,000/12) x 3]

What is the Department Holder Responsibility?

UNT Policy 10.005 specifically states that the Dept ID Holder of Record is solely accountable for all processess and personnel actions that affect the funds entrusted to the holder. A DeptID holder must personally review and approve financial transactions for each department for which he/she is a holder. This responsibility may not be delegated.

Cognos Reporting contains Budget Summary reports to assist in this process. It is your responsibility to immediately report suspected improper use of funds or violations of this policy to the Vice President over your department and to the University Internal Audit Department.

Revenue items to look for: • Are the revenues deposited reasonable? • Are the revenues being deposited in a timely manner? • Are there any unexplained anomalies?

Expenditure items to look for: • Are salaries and wages being paid to individuals you authorized payment for (and are the amounts appropriate?) • Are any individuals being paid excessive overtime? • Do operating transactions reflect payment of items approved by you? Pay particular attention to employee reimbursements. • Is there any unusual activities that you are uncertain of? • Are all travel-related expenses reasonable and do they reflect the trips/amounts you approved?

What is Budgetary Cost Sharing?

Budgetary cost sharing is processed annually by the UNT Budget Office. Activities related to this process are standing agreements between campus departments to fund positions and operational activities. Departments may elect to use the budgetary cost sharing method when there is a recurring annual charge rather than processing an ABA on a yearly basis. Departments should review their budgetary cost sharing expenditures and/or revenues on an annual basis to ensure the dollar amount and purpose is still viable.

What are HRM 4 Documents and where do I send them?

HRM-4 HRM-4’s are sent to the Budget Office before Human Resources. HRM 4’s are needed when:

1. A new position is created.

2. There is a reclassification of an existing position.

3. There is an overlap of two employees (ie: Training is needed before Retirement or Termination).

4. Salary Range Request (Vacant position to be hired above entry)

5. FTE change (change from full time to part time or part time to full time) or change in % funding from one DeptID/ProjID to another.

6. The funding of the position is changing.

The Budget Office processes HRM-4’s within 24 hours when all necessary signatures are provided and appropriate funding is available. The Budget Office maintains a log of all HRM 4’s received and the date in which they were sent to HR.

Do Faculty ePAR's need Budget Office approval?

No. The Provost Office is managing all faculty ePar's. The Budget Office does not maintain a file for faculty positions.

What are Cognos Reports and where can I find them?

Cognos Reports, are accessed through your my.unt.edu page. They allow users access to view financial transactions in their chart string. This reporting tool provides departments the information needed to manage their Org Depts to ensure that all approved financial transactions are recorded. Additionally, it gives users the ability to track incoming funds and outgoing expenditures and compare them to the amounts allocated in their annual budget. Approved users have the option to “drill down” to see a detailed transaction list pertaining to each chart string by clicking on any of the blue linked accounts. Register for Cognos Report Departmental or Project training via the employee portal.

How do ABAs and IDTs differ?

Account/Budget Authorization (ABA) - Used to transfer FUNDS

For example: 1) Transfer budget funds within the same chart string (ex. M&O to Hourly/Task Wage), 2) Transfer funds from one department to another department, one project to another project, or one grant to another grant.

ABAs are processed by the Budget Office. Please visit the Forms page for an ABA form.

Interdepartmental Transfer (IDT) - Used to transfer a SPECIFIC EXPENSE OR SERVICE

For example: 1) Transfer all or part of a specific expense (i.e. an event, copier charges, parking tokens, etc.), 2) Transfer a service provided by one department for another (i.e. CPR, background checks, rentals, etc.).

IDTs are processed by Financial Accounting. Please visit the Forms page for an IDT form.

How do I Set up, Modify, or Inactivate a Chart Field Value?

To request a new chartfield, modify the description of an existing chartfield, or inactivate a chartfield value, complete the Chartfield Setup/Change Form. This form should not be used to set up a chartstring. To setup a chartstring using existing values, submit an ABA.

How do I setup a Proxy?
Org Dept Holders can temporarily delegate signature authority to a proxy. The ePar proxy request form is located online within HRPD>Manager Delegations>Create Delegation. The request must be submitted by the Org Dept Holder. The ePro and ABA Proxy Request Form is a paper form located on the UNT System website. The Org Dept holder should email the completed form to the BSC. (If the Proxy Request Form is submitted by anyone other than the Org Dept Holder then the form will need to be signed by the Org Dept Holder. Additionally, the Org Dept Holder should be carbon copied on the email request.) ePro and ABA approver proxies are limited to 90 days unless Vice President approval is received. ABA approver proxies cannot be admin level staff.
Are signature stamps allowed on financial documents?

No, UNT does not provide authority for the use of a signature stamp on official financial documents. Departments using a signature stamp for the purpose of authorizing a document should discontinue the use immediately. In lieu of a signature stamp, an Org Dept holder can temporarily delegate signature authority to a proxy. This allows the proxy to sign the proxy’s name on behalf of the holder. This does not allow the proxy to sign the holder’s name on behalf of the holder.

Are electronic signatures allowed?

Yes. Per policy, 10.002 Electronic Signatures/Approvals, an electronic signature is an acceptable signature so long as the employee is signing for themself, and the document does not require an original signature.