About EMDS

Established in 1983, the Emergency Administration and Planning Program (EADP) is the world’s first resident degree program in emergency management. Our unique degree has drawn students from Alaska, California, Florida, Kansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Washington, Wyoming and others. International students have come from Barbados, the Dominican Republic, Ethiopia, Germany, Japan, Nigeria, Ghana, Turkey, etc.

Since its founding, hundreds of students have earned the bachelor of science degree in Emergency Administration and Planning. Graduates have obtained jobs with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), American Red Cross National Headquarters, the State of Texas Division of Emergency Management, State of Tennessee Emergency Management Agency, Texas Instruments, Perot Systems, SAIA Motor Freight, CURA Emergency Services, local emergency management offices, local Red Cross Chapters, etc. At the international level, graduates work as disaster planners for the Red Crescent in Qatar, flood plain managers in Bangladesh, and Red Cross representatives in Kenya. Others have even become the Director of Emergency Management in Barbados and in Fiji.


The Emergency Administration and Planning Program at the University of North Texas sets the standard in preparing students for emergency management (and related careers in the public, private, and non-profit sectors) by delivering competency-based education that integrates theory and practice in a multi- disciplinary and comprehensive approach.

The EADP mission parallels the University of North Texas’ mission in several areas including:

  • preparing students for careers through excellence and innovation in teaching;
  • creating an environment where students have continuing opportunities for intellectual and professional growth through multi-disciplinary classes that stress theory and practical competence;
  • enhancing the application of knowledge by fostering research and creative activities that integrate new technologies and skills for the benefit of the student, the university, and society.

In summary, both the EADP program and the University of North Texas strive to create an educational institution where students can become knowledgeable, productive, successful, and contributing members of society.

The department’s success is supported by generous donations from friends like you. Please make your gift to EMDS today or contact Lynn Bohne (940-565-3468) to learn more about giving opportunities