Our Presentations

A Step Approach to Investing
  • Know your organization
  • Develop an effective investment policy
  • Develop administrative systems and internal controls
  • Prepare a cash forecast
  • Consolidate and establish the investment horizons
  • Analyze the yield curve & establish investment strategies
  • Select optimizing instruments
  • Monitor the markets and report investment results
  • Adjust and re-balance the portfolio accordingly
Certificates of Deposit
  • Discuss CD structure compliance with the local investment policy & investment strategy
  • Discuss the legal issues of CD's
  • Discuss FDIC & collateral
  • Discuss the methods, terms, & conditions of placing CD's
Depository Bank RFPs
  • Philosophy/Approach
  • Pre-RFP Considerations
     - Timeline
     - Tasks
  • RFP Structure
  • Managing the Proposal & Review Process
Depository Bank Selection
  • Broaden Perspective
  • Heighten Awareness
  • Suggest Best Practices & Tips
  • Provide a Process Outline
Financial Institution Deposits
  • Consider Financial Institution Deposit Options
  • Review Deposit Documentation Requirements
  • Encourage Custodial Collateral Agent
  • Outline Security Settlement Procedures
  • Highlight B/D Regulations
  • Discuss Fraud statistics from the ACFE annual report
  • Discuss Types of Fraud
  • Discuss proper cash handling procedures
  • Review the ACFE Fraud prevention checklist
Internal Controls
  • Produce a work environment that promotes strong internal controls
  • Identify the internal and external risks that affect your organization
  • Promote the establishment of documented and maintained internal controls
  • Ensure compliance by all employees within your organization
Investment Basics
  • Discuss Investment Objectives & Operating Cycle
  • Discuss the Concepts of Risk
  • Discuss the Types of Diversification
  • Discuss Active vs. Passive Investing
  • Discuss Portfolio Strategies
  • Discuss Elements of Investment Controls
  • Discuss Investment Report Requirements
Investment Policies
  • Outline Key Investment Policy Components
  • Highlight Common Errors
  • Consider “Best Practices”
  • Provide Systematic Approach for Development & Review
Investment Pools
  • Discuss Pool Requirements & Local Participation
  • Discuss CD Yield Calculations
  • Discuss WAM & Rating Requirements
  • Discuss Various Texas Pools & History
Market Risk
  • Identify Key Policy Objectives
  • Develop Basic Strategy Tools
  • Consider CIP Strategies
  • Compare Current Options
  • Review Eligible Alternatives
PFIA Compliance
  • Understand the history of the PFIA
     - Originally approved in 1987
     - Amended every session of the legislature except 2013
     - Expanded authority until 1995
     - Expanded controls from 1995 to 1999
     - 1999 on, targeted points of change from specific interests
  • Understand the requirements of the PFIA
  • Determine whether or not your organization is in compliance with the PFIA
    - PFIA Compliance Checklist
Second Tuesdays: A Monthly Plan
  • Establish System for Dedicated Cash and Investment Management
  • Focus on Essential Banking Conditions
  • Develop Cash-Flow Sensitive Strategies
  • Implement Prudent Enhancements
Technology Internal Controls
  • Discuss the impact of technology as it relates to internal controls
  • Discuss and Identify:
     - Insider Threats
     - The management of internal security controls
     - COSO and COBIT
     - Mobile security controls
  • Check fraud prevention procedures
  • Depository internal controls
  • PCI compliance steps
The Federal Reserve System
  • Discuss the structure of the Federal Reserve
  • Discuss the process by which the FED determines monetary policy:
     - Responsibilities
     - Goals
     - Operations
  • Discuss Monetary policy tools
  • Discuss current FED monetary actions and the impact on interest rates